Decision details

Development of a Zoned Waste and Recycling Collection System

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member - Environmental (meeting)

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Cabinet Member considered the report of the Operational Services Director advising of the potential for changes to existing collection arrangements for residual and recyclable waste.


The report indicated that in order to make more efficient use of resources it was proposed that a new zoned system of waste and recycling collection could be introduced across the Borough, generating substantial savings; that such a decision would require Cabinet approval as it would affect all wards; and as further development work was needed approval to continue with this process was sought from the Cabinet Member – Environmental.


This was a key decision and was currently included on the Council’s Forward Plan of Key Decisions.





the further development and implementation of a new zoned system for waste and recycling collection be approved; and



a detailed report on the potential efficiencies generated through the introduction of a zoned system of waste and recycling collection be presented to Cabinet seeking approval for implementation with effect from January 2011.


Publication date: 01/10/2010

Date of decision: 29/09/2010

Decided at meeting: 29/09/2010 - Cabinet Member - Environmental (meeting)

Effective from: 09/10/2010

Accompanying Documents: