Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Cabinet considered a report on the Director of Corporate Commissioning which sought the appointment of Council representatives to serve on Outside Bodies set out in the report for 2011/12 or for periods longer than one year. Details of the existing representation on Outside Bodies was set out in the report.
This was a Key Decision and was included in the Council's Forward Plan of Key Decisions.
(1) the following Members be appointed to serve on the undermentioned Outside Bodies for 2011/12:
Aintree University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust |
1 |
Cabinet Member - Older People and Health (Councillor Porter) |
British Resorts and Destination Association |
1 |
Cabinet Member - Leisure, Culture & Tourism (Councillor Booth) |
Community Foundation for Merseyside |
3 |
Councillors Kerrigan, McIvor and Robertson |
Formby Pool Trust - Board |
2 |
Councillors Griffiths and Mr. Rajan Paul (Head of Lanscape Services) |
Frank Hornby Trust |
2 |
Councillor Robertson and Mr. M. Kundi (Economic Regeneration Manager) |
John Goore's Charity, Lydiate |
1 |
Councillor Fenton |
Joint Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee |
3 |
Chair - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Health & Social Care) (Councillor Hill) and 2 Spokespersons (Councillors Griffiths and Webster) |
Liverpool City Region Cabinet |
1 |
Leader of the Council (Councillor P.Dowd) |
Liverpool City Region Child Poverty and Life Chances Commission |
1 |
Cabinet Member - Children, Schools & Families (Councillor Moncur) |
Liverpool City Region Economy Panel |
1 |
Cabinet Member - Regeneration & Housing (Councillor Maher) |
Liverpool City Region Employment and Skills Panel |
1 |
Cabinet Member - Regeneration & Housing (Councillor Maher) |
Liverpool City Region - Environment and Waste Board |
1 |
Cabinet Member - Environmental (Councillor Shaw) |
Liverpool City Region Housing and Spatial Planning Board |
1 |
Cabinet Member - Regeneration & Housing (Councillor Maher) (substitute representative - Chair of the Planning Committee - Councillor Tweed) |
Liverpool City Region Safer, Healthier Communities Board |
1 |
Leader of the Council (Councillor P. Dowd) - (Chair) |
Liverpool John Lennon Airport Consultative Committee |
1 |
Councillor Brady (or his nominee) |
Local Government Association: (Appointments to conclude in May 2012 following cessation of the Council's Membership of the LGA)
- Coastal Issues Special Interest Group
- General Assembly
- Urban Commission |
2 |
Councillor Brady (or his nominee)
Councillor Brodie-Browne (2 votes) and Councillor Maher (3 votes)
Councillor Moncur (3 votes) and Councillor Mainey (2 votes) |
Local Solutions |
1 |
Councillor Tweed |
Mersey Forest Steering Group |
1 |
Councillor Griffiths (substitute representative - Councillor Hardy) |
Mersey Port Health Committee |
6 |
Member Substitute |
(The status of the Committee is the subject of review at the present time - in the meantime, six Council representatives should continue to be Members of the Committee) |
Cllr. Dorgan Cllr. Griffiths Cllr. Kelly Cllr. K. Cluskey Cllr. Kerrigan Cllr. Mahon Cllr. Sumner Cllr. Hands Cllr. Tonkiss Cllr. Gibson Cllr. Tweed Cllr. Robinson |
Mersey Waterfront Regional Park Board |
1 |
Cabinet Member - Leisure, Culture & Tourism Services (Councillor Booth) |
Merseyside Improvement and Efficiency Board |
1 |
Cabinet Member - Street Scene & Transportation (Councillor Fairclough) |
Merseyside Pension Fund Pensions Committee |
1 |
Councillor McIvor (substitute Councillor Cuthbertson) |
Merseyside Playing Fields Association |
1 |
Cabinet Member - Leisure, Culture & Tourism Services (Councillor Booth) (substitute representatives - Councillors Cummins and Jones) |
Merseyside Police Authority Appointments Committee |
3 |
Leaders of the 3 Political Groups - Councillors P. Dowd, Parry and Robertson (or their nominees) |
Merseyside Strategic Transportation and Planning Committee |
2 |
Cabinet Member - Street Scene & Transportation (Councillor Fairclough) and Councillor Dodd |
Merseyside Third Sector Technology Centre (3TC) |
1 |
Cabinet Member - Regeneration & Housing (Councillor Maher) |
Merseytravel Advisory Panel (Sefton Division) |
3 |
Councillors Griffiths, Sumner and Veidman (or their nominees) |
NewHeartlands Board |
1 |
Cabinet Member - Regeneration & Housing (Councillor Maher) (substitute Councillor Fairclough) |
North West Home Safety Council |
3 |
Councillors Dutton, Hardy and Tonkiss (or their nominees) |
North Western Local Authorities Employers' Organisation (Appointment to conclude in May 2012 following cessation of the Council's Membership) |
1 |
Cabinet Member - Corporate Services (Councillor Parry) |
One Vision Housing Board
2 |
Mr. R. Connell and Mr. D. Hardy |
PATROL (Parking and Traffic Regulations Outside London) Adjudication Joint Committee |
1 |
Cabinet Member - Street Scene & Transportation (Councillor Fairclough) (substitutes - Councillors Parry and Robertson)
Raven Meols Community Centre, Formby - Management Committee |
2 |
Councillors Griffiths and McIvor |
REECH Steering Group (Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Housing) |
1 |
Cabinet Member - Regeneration & Housing (Councillor Maher) |
Sefton Business Village Partnership |
1 |
Leader of the Council (Councillor P. Dowd) |
Sefton Chamber of Commerce and Industry |
3 |
Councillors K. Cluskey, Lord Fearn and Porter |
Sefton Coast Partnership Board |
3 |
Councillors Cummins, Crabtree and McGuire (or their nominees) |
Sefton Council for Voluntary Service |
3 |
Councillors Hill, Papworth and Veidman |
Sefton Cultural Forum |
1 |
Cabinet Member - Leisure, Culture & Tourism Services (Councillor Booth) |
Sefton Cycling Forum |
3 |
Councillors K. Cluskey, Crabtree and Weavers |
Sefton Education Business Partnership |
3 |
Cabinet Member - Children, Schools & Families (Councillor Moncur) and 2 Spokespersons (Councillors Dorgan and Preece)
Sefton Equalities Partnership |
1 |
Cabinet Member - Safer Communities & Neighbourhoods (Councillor Robertson) |
Sefton New Directions Limited Board |
3 |
Councillors Brennan, Parry and Rimmer (Non-Executive Directors) |
Sefton Sports Council |
3 |
Cabinet Member - Leisure, Culture & Tourism Services (Councillor Booth) and 2 Spokespersons (Councillors Cummins and Jones) |
Southport Pier Trust |
3 |
Councillors Byrom, Lord Fearn and Crabtree (or their nominees) |
Standing Advisory Committee for Religious Education (SACRE) |
3 |
Cabinet Member - Children, Schools & Families (Councillor Moncur) and 2 Spokespersons (Councillors Dorgan and Preece) with their Deputies as substitutes |
The Mersey Partnership Board |
1 |
Cabinet Member - Regeneration & Housing (Councillor Maher) (substitute representative - Councillor Fairclough) |
Trans Pennine Trail Members Steering Group |
2 |
Cabinet Member - Street Scene & Transportation (Councillor Fairclough) and Chair of the Planning Committee (Councillor Tweed) (or their nominees) |
University of Liverpool - Court |
6 |
Cabinet Member - Children, Schools & Families (Councillor Moncur) and 2 Spokespersons (Councillors Dorgan and Preece) plus the Mayor, the Chief Executive and the Strategic Director - People, who are ex-officio Members |
(2) in relation to those appointments for a longer period than one year, the following persons be appointed to serve on the Outside Bodies indicated:
North West Reserve Forces and Cadets Association
1 |
Councillor Byrom |
15.5.2014 (3 year appointment) |
North Western Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority
2 |
Councillor Glover and Head of Coast and Countryside |
31.5.2015 (4 year appointment) |
Ashton Memorial Fund, Formby |
1 |
Councillor Griffiths
31.5.2015 (4 year appointment)
Consolidated Charities of Thomas Brown and Marsh Dole |
2 |
Councillor Dutton Councillor Griffiths
26.6.2012 26.6.2014 (4 year appointment)
Halsall Educational Foundation |
1 |
Councillor Parry |
31.5.2013 (2 year appointment)
Clarence High School, Freshfield |
1 |
Councillor McIvor |
31.5.2013 (3 year appointment)
Hugh Baird College, Bootle |
1 |
Councillor Hill |
3.2.2013 (4 year appointment)
Peterhouse School, Southport |
1 |
Councillor Glover |
13.7.2013 (3 year appointment)
St. Mary's College, Crosby |
2 |
Councillors Dorgan and Hill |
31.5.2013 (3 year appointment) |
Report author: Steve Pearce
Publication date: 31/05/2011
Date of decision: 26/05/2011
Decided at meeting: 26/05/2011 - Cabinet
Effective from: 08/06/2011
Accompanying Documents: