Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Implications and update on the Free School and the closure of St George of England High School on the 31 August 2012 from 31 August 2013
Further to Minute No. 129 of the meeting held on 29 March 2012, the Cabinet considered the report of the Director of Young People and Families which provided an update on the various issues associated with the closure of the St. George of England High School and the development of the Hawthorne’s Free School proposal on the St. George’s site.
This was a Key Decision and was included in the Forward Plan of Key Decisions.
(1) the contents of the report and the latest information provided by the Department for Education be noted;
(2) it be noted that the request from the Free School Trust and the Governing Body to bring the closure date for the St. George of England High School forward from 31 August 2013 to 31 August 2012 was for practical reasons and to ensure continuity of education for pupils affected and it was dependent on the decision to open the Free School being approved by the Secretary of State for Education by 25 May 2012 when the decommissioning of the school would need to commence;
(3) it be noted that the Free School would not be approved by the Secretary of State for Education by 25 May 2012;
(4) the risks to the Council outlined in the report, if St. George’s High School is decommissioned before the Free School is approved, be noted;
(5) delegated authority be given to the Cabinet Member - Children, Schools, Families and Leisure to determine the closure of St. George of England High School on 31 August 2012, if the Department for Education confirms the Funding Agreement arrangements for the Hawthorne’s Free School; and
(6) the Strategic Director - People in conjunction with the Head of Corporate Personnel be authorised to take any steps associated with the closure of St. George of England High School, including the issue of any legal notices.
Report author: Mike McSorley
Publication date: 28/05/2012
Date of decision: 24/05/2012
Decided at meeting: 24/05/2012 - Cabinet
Effective from: 07/06/2012
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