Decision details

Vehicle Replacements - Refuse Collection Fleet and Specialist Transport Vehicles

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Further to Minute No. 43 of the Cabinet meeting held on 16 August 2012, the Council considered the report of the Director of Street Scene on the results of two recent tendering exercises in respect of the purchase of new refuse collection vehicles for the Cleansing Section and ten new coach-built welfare vehicles for the Specialist Transport Section, using a Prudential Borrowing facility arranged by the Finance Department.


This was a Key Decision and was included in the Council’s Forward Plan of Key Decisions.


It was moved by Councillor P. Dowd, seconded by Councillor Maher and




That approval be given to the inclusion of the sum of £4,384,175 in the Capital Programme for the purchase of the vehicles, to be financed by a Prudential Borrowing facility.

Report author: Andrew Walker

Publication date: 11/09/2012

Date of decision: 06/09/2012

Decided at meeting: 06/09/2012 - Council

Accompanying Documents: