Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Further to Minute No. 15 above, the Cabinet considered a report by the Director of Built Environment which provided details of the quality and financial assessment of the tenders submitted for the term service contract for traffic signal maintenance.
Decision Made:
That the report be referred to Cabinet Member – Transportation to enable clarification to be sought on issues raised in the report and the Cabinet Member be given delegated powers to take the final decision on the report.
Reasons for Decision:
To enable the Cabinet Member to seek further clarification on issues in the report prior to a decision been taken under delegated powers.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
Publication date: 27/06/2013
Date of decision: 20/06/2013
Decided at meeting: 20/06/2013 - Cabinet
Accompanying Documents: