Decision details

Better Care Fund Plan - Next Steps

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Further to Minute No. 103 of the meeting held on 27 February 2014, the Cabinet considered the report of the Deputy Chief Executive which provided an update on progress made in developing the next iteration of the BCF Plan following the receipt of supplementary guidance; an update on the assurance process; and sought delegated powers to continue to develop this work over coming months.


Decision Made:




(1)       the approach recommended by the Health and Wellbeing Board at its meeting held on 19March 2014 as set out in the report be endorsed;


(2)       the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board and Cabinet Member for Older People and Health, be given delegated authority to agree and submit further iterations of the Better Care Plan (BCF) for Sefton, as outlined in the report and it be noted that this would need to be in consultation with the Chief Officer for the Southport and Formby; and South Sefton Clinical Commissioning Groups and their respective Governing Body Chairs, in order to comply with the guidance on the BCF;


(3)       approval be given to the BCF submission to be made on 4 April 2014 being a short paper responding, where possible, to the several sets of guidance, and the assurance feedback, once received;


(4)       the role of the Health and Wellbeing Board relating to encouraging integration, and the intention to progress further work on integration beyond that expressed in the BCF Plan through the Board, under the guidance of the Chair of the Board and Cabinet Member for Children, Schools, Families and Leisure and the Cabinet Member for Older People and Health be noted;


(5)       it be noted that the Cabinet Member for Older People and Health would be responsible for overseeing the development of and then approval of a Section 75 agreement for the pooled fund; and


(6)       the final approval of the BCF Budget, and the risk assessment be submitted to the Cabinet for approval.


Reasons for Decision:


Better Care Fund Guidance seeks a second submission on local Better Care Fund Plan by 4April 2014.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:




Report author: Samantha Tunney

Publication date: 02/04/2014

Date of decision: 27/03/2014

Decided at meeting: 27/03/2014 - Cabinet

Effective from: 10/04/2014

Accompanying Documents: