Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Further to Minute No. 94 (11) of the meeting held on 31 January 2013, the Cabinet considered the report of the Director of Built Environment which provided details of the strategic review of parking services across the Borough which had been undertaken to consider all aspects of the service including the charging policy, in order to examine the effectiveness and efficiency of the service.
Cabinet Members referred to the high level of consultation undertaken during the period of the review and to the decision agreed by the Council on 6 March 2014 to reduce the level of savings required for the strategic parking review for 2014/15 from £300k to £100k.
Decision Made:
(1) approval be given to the tariff increases as detailed in appendices 1 and 2 and summarised in paragraph 10.5 of the report;
(2) Officers proceed with the introduction of pay by phone technology and submit a further report on the proposals to the Cabinet Member – Transportation for approval:
(3) the intention to progress with the replacement of the outdated pay and display machine stock, as included in the capital programme be noted; and
(4). the intention to progress, through the normal channels, a Traffic Regulation order to introduce a 4 hour maximum stay on the Tulketh Street car parks be noted.
Reasons for Decision:
To set the tariffs for parking charges for 2014/15. The Council has the power to vary parking charges by notice under Sections 35C and 46A of the Road Traffic Regulation Act, 1984 and the authorisation to set the charges falls under the remit of the Cabinet.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
Report author: Dave Marrin
Publication date: 02/04/2014
Date of decision: 27/03/2014
Decided at meeting: 27/03/2014 - Cabinet
Effective from: 10/04/2014
Accompanying Documents: