Decision Maker: Cabinet, Council
Decision status: Recommendations approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
To consider any issues required for the preparation of the three year plan, including Government grant announcements, financial pressures and service changes.
The Council considered the joint report of the Chief Executive and the Head ofCorporate Finance and ICT which:
· provided an update on the Council’s financial position for 2015/16 and 2016/17 following the Local Government Finance Provisional Settlement 2015/16
· set the financial position in the context of the Council’s priorities
· described the process undertaken to deliver a programme of savings options that reflected the need to produce a balanced budget alongside the objective of minimising the impact of the cuts on Sefton communities
· provided the Council with savings options that would contribute to the forecast budget gap for the next two years
· outlined the gap remaining and the timetable for producing a balanced two year budget plan.
The report indicated that since 2011, the Council had faced unprecedented reductions in its resources as a result of cuts in Government Funding. In the preceding 4 years, cuts of £114 million had been identified and implemented. The Council had now received confirmation of the level of Government funding it would receive in 2015/16 and this had confirmed that for the period 2015/16 to 2016/17, further savings of £55 million would need to be identified. This represented a real term reduction of 45% on the 2011 spending level.
Detailed on-going work had sought to identify budget reductions that would meet the two year savings requirement. This process had involved detailed risk assessments, relative prioritisation and the impact on our communities. The process was agreed by Cabinet in November 2014.
Reductions of this level had and would continue to have a significant impact on Council services and outcomes for Sefton communities. It was therefore important that the Council’s remaining resources were spent in areas of highest priority that minimised the negative impact on communities. However it was also important to stress that it would be impossible to deliver savings of this magnitude without reducing levels of service across the range of Council activities. This included those services commissioned with public, private, voluntary, community and faith partners to deliver support to our communities.
It was moved by Councillor P. Dowd, seconded by Councillor Maher:
“That the recommendations set out in the report be approved.”
Following the debate, the requisite number of Members having signified their wish that the voting on the Motion should be recorded in accordance with Rule 92 of Chapter 4 in the Council Constitution, the voting was duly recorded and the Members of the Council present at the time, voted as follows:
Councillors Atkinson, Veronica Bennett, Bradshaw, Brennan, Burns, Byrom, Carr, Crabtree, Cummins, Dams, P. Dowd, Fairclough, Friel, Gatherer, Grace, John Kelly, John Joseph Kelly, Kermode, Kerrigan, Killen, Lappin, P. Maguire, Maher, Mahon, McGinnity, McKinley, Moncur, Murphy, O’Brien, Owens, Page, Roberts, Roche, Thompson,Tweed, Veidman, Webster and the Mayor (Councillor Cluskey).
Councillors Ball, David Barton, Booth, Brodie-Browne, Cuthbertson, Dawson, Dodd, Dutton, Lord Fearn, Maureen Fearn, Hartill, Keith, Lewis, S. McGuire, Preece, Robertson and Welsh.
Councillor Maria Bennett
The Mayor declared that the Motion was carriedby 38 votes to 17 with 1 abstention and it was
(1) the approach to identifying options including the Core Purpose as given in paragraph 2.2 and the Budget Principles as given in paragraph 4.2 of the report and endorsed by Cabinet on 27 November 2014 be noted;
(2) the update of the Local Government Finance Provisional Settlement 2015/16 and the updated Medium Term Financial Plan as outlined in paragraph 3 of the report be noted;
(3) the work programme timetable in Annex A of the report be noted;
(4) the budget process undertaken by officers to date as set out in paragraph 4 of the report and the process that officers would be undertaking to conclude the budget plan for the next two financial years, as agreed by Cabinet on 27 November 2014 be noted;
(5) it be noted that the following items approved by Cabinet on 27 November 2014 and identified in Annex C1 of the report as efficiencies within the existing policy and budget framework were being implemented immediately by officers:
Ref |
Service Area |
Efficiency |
Proposed Budget Net Reduction £000 |
1 |
Registration Service |
Increased income as result of increased service activity |
54 |
2 |
Community Equipment |
Improved efficiency |
72 |
3 |
Burials and Cremations Service |
Increased income as result of increased service activity |
390 |
4 |
Catering Services |
Increased income as result of increased service activity |
66 |
5 |
Commercial Waste Skips Services |
Increased income as result of increased service activity |
45 |
6 |
Coroners |
Shared service agreed cost reduction due to completion of mortuary |
24 |
7 |
Commissioning |
Decrease in non-staffing expenditure |
36 |
8 |
Sefton Care Line and Sefton Securities |
Increased income as result of increased service activity |
238 |
9 |
Home Improvements DFG |
Re-profiling the allocation of costs and increasing the level of recharges |
10 |
SEN 0-4 Inclusion Funding |
Improved efficiency |
12 |
Procurement |
Reduction in non-staffing expenditure |
16 |
12 |
Members Allowances |
Reduce the budget provision for Members Allowances –as agreed by the Council on 5 July 2012 |
35 |
13 |
Learning Support - LAC |
Reduction in the LA budget |
10 |
14 |
Complementary Education |
Removal of vacant posts from the establishment |
51 |
15 |
Education Psychology |
Spend to be directed to DSG High Needs Funding |
25 |
16 |
SEN Assessments & Monitoring |
Spend to be directed to DSG High Needs Funding |
36 |
17 |
The scheme has already closed to new pupils, saving reflects cohorts of pupils completing the programme |
30 |
18 |
LEA playing fields maintenance |
Improved efficiency in maintenance scheme |
52 |
Finance |
Reduced debt management charges |
390 |
Health Protection and Infection Control |
Efficiency following re-procurement of service |
52 |
21 |
Civic Services |
Civic Services (Attendants) – Voluntary Redundancy |
20 |
22 |
Tourism |
Revised estimate following policy decision |
27 |
23 |
Trading Standards |
Deletion of vacant post and reduction in supplies / services |
114 |
24 |
Democratic Services |
Voluntary reduction in support staff hours |
14 |
25 |
General inflation provision |
Remove general inflation provision set in MTFP at 2%. This will require all services to deliver general efficiency in the delivery of all services |
4,360 |
26 |
Additional public health grant |
Utilise increase in the public health grant to support the ongoing delivery of the Council’s Health and Well Being strategy priorities |
544 |
27 |
Levies |
Merseyside Waste and Recycling Authority and the Integrated Mersey Transport Authority have been requested to support the Council by finding 10% efficiency savings in setting their budgets for 2015/16/17 |
3,700 |
28 |
Review of previous budget assumptions and implications of previous budget decision |
The estimates of the financial implications of all budget decisions have been reviewed in the light of implementation of options and subsequent changes in service demand. The original Medium Term Financial Plan can be revised to take account of this updated information. |
1,841 |
28b |
Reduced accommodation costs |
Lease on Hoghton Street |
76 |
29 |
Adult Social Care |
Social care services will be required to contain net demographic growth within existing budgets for the duration of the plan. The figure has been adjusted to reflect Cabinet’s previous decision relating to the underachievement of the services 2014/15 budget savings requirement. This assumption will need to be kept under close scrutiny to ensure deliverability |
3,000 |
Total Efficiency Savings |
15.340 |
(6) it be noted that the Equality Impact Assessment information provided, latest recorded position with respect to consultation, the identified risks and mitigating actions and information, and the impact on the community service users, partners and the Council for each individual proposal in Annex C2 of the report had been taken into account and officers be authorised to take necessary steps to progress the proposals;
(7) the following proposals contained in Annex C2 of the report be approved:
Most Vulnerable
Ref |
Service Area |
Change Proposal |
2014/15 Budget £000 |
Proposed Budget Reduction £000 |
30 |
Children With Disability Service |
Continue with the development of, and implement, new eligibility criteria |
3,500 |
315 |
31 |
Domiciliary Care |
Further explore the use of adaptations, equipment and Assistive Technology
Reduce the number of hours, number of calls, or number of carers utilised, where this is appropriate
Work in partnership with the voluntary/community sector to facilitate the development and utilisation of low-level alternative/preventative community services
Explore more outcome-focused commissioning |
5,322 |
1,560 |
Total |
1,875 |
Ref |
Service Area |
Change Proposal |
2014/15 Budget £000 |
Proposed Budget Reduction £000 |
32 |
Street Cleansing |
Further expand the use of electric vehicles and reduce the number of cleansing operatives delivering a manual service |
3,670 |
360 |
33 |
Highways Infrastructure
To continue for a further 2 years the reduction of £800k which was introduced as an annual saving in previous years |
800 |
Reduction in Highways Maintenance programmes to focus on preventative, critical and high risk works
160 |
34 |
Street Lighting Energy |
Invest to save in lighting columns and bulbs to allow reduced hours of lighting |
1,180 |
530 |
Libraries |
Review of operation and management of libraries including bookfund and opening times |
1,901 |
270 |
Total |
2,120 |
Community Resilience
Ref |
Service Area |
Change Proposal |
2014/15 Budget £000 |
Proposed Budget Reduction £000 |
36 |
Aiming High |
Continue with the development of, and implement, new eligibility criteria
Review and potential cessation of funding for some activities |
1,360 |
400 |
37 |
Housing Standards |
Reduction in housing enforcement services including cessation of corporate illegal traveller sites co-ordination |
450 |
60 |
38 |
Supported Living |
Alternative and more efficient ways of meeting assessed care needs |
18,435 |
1,800 |
39 |
Neighbourhoods |
Reduction and re-prioritisation of activity |
778 |
150 |
Total |
2,410 |
Economy & Environment
Ref |
Service Area |
Change Proposal |
2014/15 Budget £000 |
Proposed Budget Reduction £000 |
40 |
Planning |
Realign and reduce revenue budgets – including consultancy budgets |
958 |
72 |
41 |
Planning |
Increase in income across parts of the service Development Management, Building Control, and Technical Support [land charges] in light of economic forecast
130 |
42 |
Trading Standards |
General reduction in enforcement activity. Limit resident service request response |
480 |
55 |
43 |
EEMS (Energy and Environment) |
Reduction in Carbon reduction service and community energy service |
384 |
84 |
44 |
Parks Maintenance
Botanic Gardens shop Closure |
2,903 (Parks Maintenance Budget)
45 |
45 |
Increase allotment fees by an average of £10 per full size plot in 2016/17 and again in 2017/18. Rates per full size plot will increase to £96 by 2017/18 |
20 |
46 |
The recharging of the cost of statutory checks to sports pavilions and repairs and maintenance of sports pavilions and associated hard infrastructure to sports users |
15 |
47 |
Further Changes in Style and Standards of Parks Management |
144 |
48 |
Reduction in GM Contracts |
60 |
49 |
Coast |
Reduction to visitor and site management activities.
Extension to the length of the life guard contract on reduced terms.
Car-parking income charges |
878 |
150 |
Total |
775 |
Health & Wellbeing
Ref |
Service Area |
Change Proposal |
2014/15 Budget £000 |
Proposed Budget Reduction £000 |
50 |
Environmental Health |
Reduction in front line environmental health regulatory services.
Reduction in pest control services but retain full rat control service |
1,812 |
370 |
51 |
School Health |
Re-specify/recommission the Healthy Child programme for the whole 0-19 age range |
1,388 |
260 |
52 |
Yet to be determined |
0 |
53 |
Sports Leisure |
Review and Restructure Management/Administration/ Operations including deletion of Service Manager post
Re-tender direct debit collection Reduce agency payments
Energy efficiency |
1,044 |
470 |
Total |
1,100 |
Running the Council
Ref |
Service Area |
Change Proposal |
2014/15 Budget £000 |
Proposed Budget Reduction £000 £000 Budget Reduction £0 |
54 |
Adult Assessments |
An end to end review of assessment and review policies, procedures and processes within Adult Social Care |
7,580 |
300 |
55 |
Client Contribution |
Restructuring and integrating the above service with the specialist Substance Misuse Housing and Welfare Rights Team |
586 |
54 |
56 |
Commissioning |
Reduction of the Commissioning Service staffing |
Budget within Most Vulnerable |
144 |
57 |
Attendance Welfare Service |
Improved administration of legal procedures.
Reduced eligibility for service interventions.
Increase income |
473 |
192 |
58 |
Youth Offending Team |
Merge services and potential to reduce management capacity |
661 |
120 |
59 |
Outreach Respite Recovery |
Restructure the delivery team |
635 |
96 |
60 |
Locality Assessment |
Redesign of Common Assessment Framework team Implement a stronger Lead Practitioner model Implementation of electronic –common assessment framework (E-CAF) |
299 |
132 |
61 |
School Standards and Effectiveness |
Reduction in the Local Authority support provided to schools which are not in receipt of statutory intervention, requiring improvement or are assessed at risk of being less than good |
530 |
60 |
62 |
Schools Regulatory Services |
An end to end review of activity, policies, procedures and processes |
449 |
60 |
63 |
14-19 Services |
Changes to commissioning arrangements for Information, Advice & Guidance |
938 |
120 |
64 |
Children's administrative support |
Service redesign |
167 |
63 |
65 |
Highway management, development, design and safety. |
Changes to charges
Service reorganisations |
1,135 |
300 |
66 |
Parking |
Review of service and charging regimes |
-1,524 |
547 |
67 |
Property Management |
Closure and disposal of operational properties |
1,052 |
60 |
68 |
FCERM (Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management) |
Reduction in service
Reduced response times
Reduction in works delivery
362 |
82 |
69 |
Regulatory Services Support |
Reduction in administrative support due to changes in working practices and increase to online services |
219 |
24 |
70 |
Public Conveniences |
Closure of all public conveniences |
74 |
74 |
71 |
Bulky Items |
Increasing collection charge from £7.50 to £10 per collection |
48 |
48 |
72 |
Arts |
Review management and opening times at the Atkinson |
1,417 |
240 |
73 |
Sports Leisure- Active Sports |
Increase in income due to increased charges and new programmes |
0 |
84 |
74 |
Sports Leisure Aquatics |
Maximise pool time at Meadows offering more swimming lessons to meet demand |
-234 |
36 |
75 |
Public Health |
Internal restructure to reflect the need to strengthen the influencing role of the team and reduced need for commissioning capacity |
822 |
416 |
76 |
Corporate Communications Team |
Deletion of vacant posts and Team restructure |
400 |
204 |
77 |
Transformation |
Reduction of Transformation resource |
204 |
75 |
78 |
Legal Services |
Restructure of the legal management department
Removal of the Monitoring Officer's budget |
914 |
134 |
79 |
Finance & ICT Services |
Restructuring Finance and ICT services after implementation of new financial system in 2015
Reduce ICT, printing and telephone costs in line with general Council reductions |
552 |
190 |
80 |
Learning & Development |
Reduction in activity associated with learning and development |
623 |
188 |
81 |
Personnel |
Reduction in Personnel resource and efficiency savings |
1,600 |
100 |
86 |
Business Intelligence & Performance |
Restructure |
1,077 |
360 |
87 |
Public Health |
Reduction in funding for commissioned intelligence work |
50 |
88 |
Catering |
To increase the charge for each meal by 10p in September 2015 (start of the school term) and by a further 10p from September 2016 |
450 |
89 |
Building Cleaning |
To increase fees and charges to schools |
70 |
90 |
Commercial Waste |
To increase fees and charges |
10 |
91 |
Tourism |
Additional income from events |
13 |
Total |
5,596 |
Community Resilience
Ref |
Service Area |
Change Proposal |
2014/15 Budget £000 |
Proposed Budget Reduction £000 |
82 |
Housing Related Support |
Further decommissioning and re-commissioning of funded services in accordance with the approved Commissioning Intentions and Priorities |
2,169 |
900 |
Total |
900 |
Health & Wellbeing
Ref |
Service Area |
Change Proposal |
2014/15 Budget £000 |
Proposed Budget Reduction £000 |
83 |
Integrated Wellness |
Integration of Lifestyle services |
5,349 |
3,049 |
84 |
Substance Misuse |
Reduction in Substance Misuse spend |
6,031 |
740 |
85 |
Affordable Warmth |
Cessation of SEARCH scheme and Easier Breathing Project |
54 |
54 |
Total |
3,843 |
18, 619 |
(8) it be noted that officers would comply with Human Resource policies and procedures and this will include regular HR monitoring reports to the Cabinet Member – Corporate Services and Performance;
(9) it be noted that figures in the annex of the report were working assumptions of proposals to be considered and the figures should not be seen as predetermining any decisions; and
(10) it be noted that further options were being developed and assessed and a further report would be presented to Cabinet for consideration in February 2015 and the Council in March 2015.
Report author: Margaret Rawding
Publication date: 29/01/2015
Date of decision: 22/01/2015
Decided at meeting: 22/01/2015 - Council
Accompanying Documents: