Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To comply with Regulation 5(2) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012, notice has been published regarding the intention to consider the following matters in private for the reasons set out below.
Decision Made:
That, under the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 and 6a of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972. The Public Interest Test has been applied and favours exclusion of the information from the Press and Public.
Publication date: 11/10/2022
Date of decision: 06/10/2022
Decided at meeting: 06/10/2022 - Cabinet