Decision Maker: Cabinet Member - Leisure and Tourism (meeting)
Decision status: Recommendations approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Further to Minute No. 65 of the meeting of the Cabinet Member - Leisure and Tourism held on 2 December 2009, the Cabinet considered the report of the Leisure Director, which provided details of the tenders, received for the Tree Planting Contract 2009/10 and sought approval to the inclusion of the scheme in the Capital Programme.
This was a Key Decision and was included in the Council's Forward Plan of Key Decisions.
That approval be given to the inclusion of £195,000 for the Tree Planting Contract in the Leisure and Tourism Capital Programme 2009/10.
Report author: Phil Esseen
Publication date: 23/12/2009
Date of decision: 17/12/2009
Decided at meeting: 17/12/2009 - Cabinet
Effective from: 01/01/2010
Accompanying Documents: