Decision Maker: Licensing and Regulatory Committee
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Further to Minute No. 8 of the meeting held on 7 June 2010, the Committee considered the report of the Environmental and Technical Services Director on the revised Statement of Licensing Policy.
The report indicated that under the Licensing Act 2003, all Licensing Authorities were required to prepare and publish a ‘Statement of Principles’ for exercising their functions under the Act every three years, the current Policy having come into force on 7 January 2008.
The report indicated that consultation on the Council’s Licensing Policy Statement had taken place between 28 June 2010 and 19 September 2010.
A copy of the latest revised Licensing Policy Statement was attached at Annex 1 and details of the consultation exercise were attached at Annex 2 to the report.
Paragraphs 9, 10, 11 and 12 of the report detailed the amendments which had been made to the Policy both as a result of the consultation and also taking recent legislation changes into account.
Arising from the discussion the following issues were raised:
(1) |
The final draft of the revised Statement of Licensing Policy, attached at Annex 1 be approved; and
(2) |
Council be recommended to approve the revised Statement of Licensing Policy, as attached at Annex 1, to come into force on 7 January 2011. |
Report author: Kevin Coady
Publication date: 28/10/2010
Date of decision: 25/10/2010
Decided at meeting: 25/10/2010 - Licensing and Regulatory Committee
Accompanying Documents: