Decision Maker: Cabinet Member - Technical Services (meeting)
Decision status: Recommendations approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Cabinet Member considered the report of the Environmental and Technical Services Director that sought approval for amendments to the staffing establishment, in order to make adequate provision for undertaking new statutory duties relating to Flood Risk Management.
(1) the report Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management report be noted;
(2) the Cabinet be requested to consider the impact of the new duties, together with existing flood defence and coastal defence responsibilities;
(3) the Cabinet be requested to note Sefton’s specific grant allocations within the Local Government Finance Settlement of £120,600 in 2011/12 and £157,900 in 2012/13; and
(4) the Cabinet be requested to approve the allocation of £70,000 out of the above funding to the Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management function, from April 2011 in order to facilitate adequate delivery of the new duties, through the creation of one full time equivalent new post, which would provide a redeployment opportunity for staff under risk of redundancy as a result of the Council’s budget savings in 2011/12.
Publication date: 07/04/2011
Date of decision: 06/04/2011
Decided at meeting: 06/04/2011 - Cabinet Member - Technical Services (meeting)
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