Decision Maker: Cabinet, Council
Decision status: Recommendations approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
The CIPFA Prudential Code for Capital Finance
in Local Authorities was introduced following the Local Government
Act 2003. It details a number of measures/limits/parameters
(Prudential Indicators) that are required to be set each financial
year. The approval of these limits will ensure that the Council
complies with the relevant legislation, is acting prudently and
that its capital expenditure proposals are affordable. This report
presents for approval the Prudential Indicators required to be set
by the Council in 2019/20 to comply with the code.
The Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Corporate Resources on proposals to establish the Prudential Indicators required under the Prudential Code of Capital Finance in Local Authorities. This would enable the Council to effectively manage its Capital Finance Activities and comply with the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) Prudential Code of Capital Finance in Local Authorities.
The report indicated that the Council was required to approve Prudential Indicators for the following items:
(i) Capital Expenditure (Section 2);
(ii) Financing Costs/Net Revenue Stream (Section 3);
(iii) Capital Financing Requirement (Section 4);
(iv) External Debt (Section 5-7); and
(v) Treasury Management Indicators (Section 8).
Decision Made:
That the Council be recommended to:
(1) approve the Prudential Indicators, as detailed in the report as the basis for compliance with The Prudential Code for Capital Finance in Local Authorities;
(2) note that relevant Prudential Indicators will be revised as required and that any changes will be brought to Cabinet and then to Council for approval;
(3) note that the estimates of capital expenditure may change as grant allocations are received; and
(4) give delegated authority to the Head of Corporate Resources in conjunction with the Cabinet Member – Regulatory, Compliance and Corporate Services to manage the Authorised Limit and Operational Boundary for external debt as detailed in Section 5 of the report.
Reasons for Decision:
To enable the Council to effectively manage its Capital Financing activities, and comply with the CIPFA Prudential Code for Capital Finance in Local Authorities. The prudential indicators for the forthcoming and following years must be set before the beginning of the forthcoming year.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
Report author: Graham Hussey
Publication date: 19/02/2019
Date of decision: 14/02/2019
Decided at meeting: 14/02/2019 - Cabinet
Accompanying Documents: