Decision Maker: Cabinet Member - Public Health and Wellbeing
Decision status: Awaiting Implementation
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Sefton Council’s Green Sefton service manages 100 play facilities including children’s playgrounds, multi-use games areas and outdoor gyms, and the service annually has need to maintain these sites, replacing play equipment and surfacing to ensure reasonable standards of maintenance are continued.
Given the annual budget available and cumulative level of spending on some types of item, in order to meet procurement requirements, it was agreed with Cabinet Member that a procurement framework be put in place to ensure best value, and a faster speed when procuring ad-hoc small works across the year.
As such Green Sefton has publicly tendered for the Supply, Installation and Maintenance of Outdoor Playground Equipment and Play Area Surfacing and this report seeks to make awards following the completion of this process.
The tender has sought a supplier for a term period of 4 years, with the contracts taking effect immediately through to April 2029.
(1) the setting up of the framework as detailed within this report and including the following suppliers Kompan Ltd, Groundwork and Leisure Services Ltd, Playsound Services Ltd and Wicksteed Ltd be approved, the total value of the contract is estimated to be £500,000 (including VAT) over a 4-year period.
(2) the awarding of call-off contract for works under the framework be delegated to the Assistant Director for Operational In-House Services and it be noted that works will be offered in order of framework lot ranking. Where a supplier ranked 1 for Lots 1 and 3 is unable to supply works we would source works from the next available ranked supplier and so forth.
Reason(s) for the Decision(s):
The Council has a requirement to engage with suitable suppliers to carry out safety surfacing, play equipment and fencing installation and maintenance to play areas located across the borough of Sefton.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
None. This is a procurement process.
Publication date: 15/01/2025
Date of decision: 15/01/2025
Effective from: 24/01/2025
Accompanying Documents: