Decision details

Leisure Fees and Charges 2025/26

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member - Public Health and Wellbeing

Decision status: Awaiting Implementation

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


A review of the leisure service pricing structure has been carried out resulting in a proposal to uplift prices by an average 4%, this is necessary in order to continue to offset the increased costs incurred in providing the service in NNDR, supplier costs, staffing and Utilities.


Decision(s): That


(1) swimming lesson prices be increased by 8%, this would maintain Sefton’s charges in the bottom quartile for swimming lessons fees in the region;

(2) Due to the highly competitive nature of the gym market, the top price of gym memberships be kept at the same level, but the discounted corporate rate be increased by £1;

(3) the cost of GP referral session prices be maintained at 2023 levels, along with a number of social focussed initiatives, such as Jakes Sensorty World etc; and

(4) Splashworld prices be maintained at current 2024 levels


Reason(s) for the Decision(s):


It is proposed to increase swimming lesson prices by 8%, £2 per month (50p per lesson).  There is very strong demand for the service however the price is below that of other providers in the area. Even with the proposed uplift this price will remain amongst the lowest in the area.


It is proposed to uplift the cost of gym membership by £1 for the discounted £27 membership price band only with all other memberships staying at the same rate due to the highly competitive nature of the fitness market and the risk that an overall price increase for the service is likely to see a significant reduction in demand and will become uncompetitive within the local market.

It is proposed to maintain GP referral session prices at 2023 levels to support uptake.


Splashworld in Southport has seen a significant downturn in usage in 2024 in the wake of the Southport incident, it is therefore proposed to keep the prices at the current level in order to increase usage.  In addition, upon reviewing the market other similar providers do not offer the same level of family discounts as we do (Blackpool Sandcastle) and it is therefore proposed to align our pricing policy with this principal.  An additional factor is that the incoming Leisure Management system (Gladstone) prices individually and is currently unable to offer a family group discount.


It is also proposed to refresh the current choices membership, which offers discounts across a range of activities for those on certain benefits, however a new choices membership for all Sefton residents is proposed with a discounted option for a number of activities, excluding the gym, but to include Splashworld in order to grow usage and offer a benefit for Sefton residents.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected


Maintaining the current pricing structure will negatively impact on the ability of the service to cover costs of provision


Publication date: 29/01/2025

Date of decision: 29/01/2025

Effective from: 07/02/2025

Accompanying Documents: