Decision Maker: Cabinet Member - Technical Services (meeting)
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Further to Minute No.94 of the meeting of Cabinet Member – Technical Services held on 2 December 2009, the Cabinet Member considered the joint report of the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environmental Services and the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director on potential funding for energy and efficiency and renewable energies in social and low income housing; and seeking approval to make a request to Cabinet for the approval of Sefton Council to take on the financial and legal responsibility of being an accountable body for a sub-regional project.
The report indicated, that in addition to the £7 billion made available by Central Government, the European Commission had agreed to devote £29 million of European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Programme resources to domestic energy and renewable actions; that in response to Department for Communities and Local Government guidance issued in August 2009 which stated that measures should be directed at existing social housing, defined in Articles 68-70 of the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008, and a call from the Regional Development Agency for a sub-regional bid to directly stimulate the market for low carbon and environmental technologies and renewable energies via their application within existing social and low income housing, five officers from five local authorities, plus Halton, representatives of local universities, RSLs and Utilities had submitted a proposal, to address five themes as follows:
(a) Physical housing improvement works to reduce CO2 emissions;
(b) Developing small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and the local supply chain;
(c) Growing the market for a low carbon economy through renewables and energy efficiency;
(d) Evaluation and local learning; and
(e) Engagement with private landlord sector to complement the work on a sub regional accreditations scheme.
The report also indicated that monies from the ERDF could be used for the administration of the bid; and that whilst taking on the accountable status would impose financial and legal responsibilities on the Local Authority, it would allow existing expertise and experience to be developed in this area.
The Assistant Director of Asset Management updated the committee and indicated that the bid had been successful in moving to the next stage; and that positive feedback on the bid had been given following a meeting with the North West Development Agency (NWDA).
A copy of the expression of interest was attached as an Annex to the report.
(1) the Potential Funding Opportunity 1 – Energy Efficiency and Renewable energies in Social and Low Income Housing report be noted;
(2) Cabinet be requested to note the Expression of Interest submitted to North West Regional Authority; and
(3) Cabinet be requested to support the principle of Sefton Council to be the accountable body for this sub-regional bid, subject to sufficient external funding being made available for the management of the project, and Cabinet approval.
Report author: Alan Moore, Andy Wallis
Publication date: 16/12/2009
Date of decision: 16/12/2009
Decided at meeting: 16/12/2009 - Cabinet Member - Regeneration.
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