Decision details

General Licensing - Fees and Charges 2010/2011

Decision Maker: Licensing and Regulatory Committee

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Further to Minute No 48 of the meeting of 26 November 2007, the Committee considered the report of the Environmental Protection Director on General Licensing – Fees and Charges for 2010/11, seeking approval for proposed changes to fees and charges for general licensing services in 2010/11 and indicating that a decision on the matter was required in order to approve cost recovery for the general licensing services provided by the Council.  The Senior Licensing Officer indicated that it should be noted that the fees relating to the change of address for the licence holders referred to under the section entitled Family Entertainment Premises Licence in the annex attached to the report, should be £25 and not £10.50 as stated in the report.


The report indicated that the majority of fees applicable to local licensing matters were set by Central Government but any proposed increases should be in line with inflation.  Details of the proposed fee changes were attached as an annex to the report.


The report also indicated that, in relation to the Gambling Act 2005 and applicable fees thereof, given that the regime had not yet been ‘fully embedded”, it was proposed not to change these fees until all premises had been inspected and risk rated by Officers.


Members raised concerns regarding the potential lack of resources could have and impact on the department’s ability to meet its targets.  Therefore Members would welcome further information that may help to justify any proposed increases in gambling licence fees in order to assist the Environmental Protection Department to invest additional resources in order to achieve targets and help with the overall goal of licensing.




(1)               the proposed fees and charges for 2010/11 as detailed in the Annex to the report be deferred until the next appropriate meeting of the Committee; and

(2)               a report outlining the expected income from Gambling Act fees for 2010/2011 and the anticipated costs arising from the Licensing Authority’s costs for carrying out its functions under the Gambling Act be brought to the next appropriate meeting of the Licensing and Regulatory Committee.

Publication date: 26/01/2010

Date of decision: 18/01/2010

Decided at meeting: 18/01/2010 - Licensing and Regulatory Committee

Accompanying Documents: