Decision details

Frank Hornby Centre Lease Agreement

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Cabinet Member considered the joint report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director and the Leisure and Tourism Director on the Frank Hornby Centre Lease Agreement; and indicating that a decision on the matter was required in order refer the matter to Cabinet for approval.


The report indicated that Cabinet approved the establishment of the Frank Hornby Charitable Trust on 2 October 2009, with the aim of undertaking activities and events celebrating the life and work of Frank Hornby who lived and died in Maghull; that Cabinet also approved that the Frank Hornby Centre be established within Meadows Leisure Complex (the Complex); that since completion of the Complex a number of opportunities for attracting external funding had been explored; and that the Heritage Lottery Fund had indicated that, subject to a number of issues being addressed, including the key requirement that long term control of the premises for which money was being sought was demonstrated, they would welcome an application from the Trust.  It was proposed that a 25 year lease agreement on peppercorn terms be established, similar to the agreement for Lyidate Village Centre.





(1)               the report be noted; and


(2)               Cabinet be recommended to request that the Legal and Democratic Services Director enter into a 25 year lease on peppercorn terms with the Frank Hornby Trust for the Frank Hornby Centre at Meadows Leisure Complex, Maghull, subject to a successful bid or other successful external funding, and subject to provision being made of any ongoing revenue costs arising from the operation of the Hornby Centre.

Report author: Mo Kundi

Publication date: 29/01/2010

Date of decision: 27/01/2010

Decided at meeting: 27/01/2010 - Cabinet Member - Leisure and Tourism (meeting)

Accompanying Documents: