Decision details

Frank Hornby Centre - Lease Agreement

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Further to Minute No. 315 of the Cabinet Meeting held on 16 April 2009, the Cabinet considered the joint report of the Planning and Economic Development Director and the Leisure and Tourism Director on the need to enter into a lease agreement with the Frank Hornby Trust for the Hornby Centre space in the Meadow Lane Complex, Maghull, as part of securing external funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund.




That the Legal and Democratic Services Director enter into a 25 year lease agreement on peppercorn terms with the Frank Hornby Trust for the Frank Hornby Centre at Meadows Leisure Complex, Maghull, subject to a successful Heritage Lottery bid or other successful external funding, and subject to the production of a satisfactory business plan, which illustrates the proposed ongoing revenue funding and management arrangements arising from the operation of the Frank Hornby Centre.

Report author: Mo Kundi

Publication date: 09/02/2010

Date of decision: 04/02/2010

Decided at meeting: 04/02/2010 - Cabinet

Effective from: 17/02/2010

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