Decision Maker: Planning Committee
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Further to Minute No.166 of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 10 February 2010, the Cabinet Member considered the report of the Planning and Economic Development Director that informed of the consultation on the Draft Part 1 of the forthcoming Northwest Regional Strategy and sought delegated authority from the Cabinet for the Planning and Economic Development Director to provide partial comments on behalf of Sefton and to contribute towards a joint Liverpool City Region response.
Members expressed their concern that only Blackpool was singled out as a national tourist destination, with Southport only considered to be a regional destination. Members suggested that Southport should be given parity with Blackpool they also believed that the Strategy needed to include reference to Southport being ‘England’s Classic Resort’ and the ‘Golf Coast’ in emphasising Southport’s appeal.
(1) the key elements of the North West Regional Strategy 2010: Draft Part 1 Consultation be noted and the suggested (partial) consultation response set out in the report be approved; and
(2) the Planning and Economic Development Director be authorised to send the suggested consultation response, and any necessary further consultation comments, to the Department for Communities and Local Government as part of the Council’s formal response to this consultation exercise.
Report author: Andy Wallis
Publication date: 19/02/2010
Date of decision: 17/02/2010
Decided at meeting: 17/02/2010 - Cabinet Member - Regeneration.
Effective from: 27/02/2010
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