Decision details

Enforced Sales Procedure and Property at 24 Lander Road, Litherland

Decision Maker: Council, Cabinet

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Cabinet Member considered the report of the Neighbourhoods and Investment Programmes Director seeking approval to the new ‘Enforced Sales’ Procedure, and in particular to utilise this procedure in respect of a long-term empty property at 24 Lander Road, Litherland.


The report indicated that Enforced Sales was a new practice for Sefton, though it had been used by a number of Councils across the country; that it was a procedure primarily designed to enable Councils to recover outstanding debts, created by certain enforcement actions that resulted in land charges against a property; and that it also provided a method for getting long-term problematic empty properties back into use.


The report also indicated that a new Standard Operating Procedure had been produced which provided a complete description of the process and roles involved.  Given that this was a new procedure, officers were to bring this to the attention of Cabinet for approval, and to avoid any future challenges from property owners on the basis that the Council had not fully considered and approved it’s policy and procedures in respect of Enforced Sales.


A copy of the Standard Operating Procedure was attached as an appendix to the report.


The report concluded by detailing problems experienced by the property 24 Lander Road, Litherland, which had been vacant since 1981; and indicated that considering the length of time the property had been vacant and its condition, Enforced Sale was considered the most appropriate course of action to take.


RESOLVED:            That Cabinet be recommended to:


(1)            approve the use of Enforced Sale powers and the Policy and Procedures as set out in the Guide attached to the report;


(2)            request the Council to amend the Constitution so that the Cabinet Member - Regeneration had delegated powers to authorise the use of the Enforced Sales Procedure; and


(3)            approve the use of the Enforced Sales Procedure in respect of the property at 24 Lander Road, Litherland.

Publication date: 15/04/2010

Date of decision: 14/04/2010

Decided at meeting: 14/04/2010 - Cabinet Member - Regeneration.

Accompanying Documents: