Decision details

South Sefton Housing Market Renewal – Programme Outturn 2009/10 and Forward Programme 2010/11

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member - Regeneration., Cabinet

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To note the provisional Programme Outturn 2009-2010 and to approve the Forward Programme for 2010-2011


The Cabinet Member considered the report of the Neighbourhoods and Investment Programmes Director advising of the provisional out-turn of the South Sefton Housing Market Renewal Programme for 2009-2010 and seeking approval to the 2010-2011 programme and the Council contribution towards this.


RESOLVED:            That


(1)            Cabinet be recommended to:


(i)         note the provisional expenditure and outputs achieved by the Housing Market Renewal programme during 2009-2010;


(ii)        note the HMRI allocation for 2010-11 of £9.350 million;


(iii)       note the required level of Council contribution of £2.6 million;


(iv)            subject to (iii) above, approve the Housing Market Renewal Programme for 2010-11; and


(v)            delegate the completion of the Deed of Variation in respect to the HCA Funding for 2010-11 to the Neighbourhoods and Investment Programmes Director in consultation with the Head of Corporate Legal Services; and


(2)       the Neighbourhoods and Investment Programmes Director and his Housing Market Renewal Team be thanked for their sterling efforts in managing the Housing Market Renewal Programme in 2009-10.

Publication date: 15/04/2010

Date of decision: 14/04/2010

Decided at meeting: 14/04/2010 - Cabinet Member - Regeneration.

Accompanying Documents: