Decision details

Demolition of Balliol House

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Deleted

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Cabinet considered the report of the Strategic Director - Communities which indicated that the application to the North West Development Agency for funding towards the demolition of Balliol House had been unsuccessful owing to programme commitments elsewhere.  The report set out the options for the financing of the project, including the marketing of disposal assets.


This was a Key Decision and was included in the Council’s Forward Plan of Key Decisions.


RESOLVED:            That


(1)       the report be noted;


(2)            approval be given to the revised proposal for the demolition of Balliol House, with a total cost of £1.3m;


(3)       the capital programme provision for this scheme be increased by £0.55m and be met from prudential borrowing;


(4)            officers be authorised to seek tenders for the demolition of Balliol House;


(5)            approval be given to the marketing of the former ‘Z’ blocks site in Netherton, with any resultant proceeds being used to accelerate the repayments of the debt incurred on the initial phases of the Accommodation Strategy; and


(6)       it be noted that a further report will be submitted to the Cabinet if the sale of the ‘Z’ blocks site is agreed.

Publication date: 25/05/2010

Date of decision: 20/05/2010

Decided at meeting: 20/05/2010 - Cabinet

Effective from: 03/06/2010

Accompanying Documents: