Decision Maker: Cabinet Member - Technical Services (meeting)
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Cabinet Member considered the report of the Planning and Economic Development Director seeking approval for the allocation of remaining capital contributions for transport schemes within the Local Transport Plan (LTP); and indicating that a decision on this matter was required as the Cabinet Member had delegated powers to approve such schemes within the LTP.
The report indicated that a review of the capital contributions was undertaken as part of the overall funding review and a total balance of remaining capital contributions of £387K had been identified. The majority of this (£303K) comprised two substantial contributions and the remaining £84K consisted of the balances from fourteen smaller contributions. These resources were not currently allocated to any specific schemes, so the options available for making best use of the remaining contributions had been investigated taking into consideration the Council's overall budget situation and the following two options were suggested:
(i) allocate a portion of the available capital contributions to support the delivery of Local Transport Plan objectives, for use in 2010/11 and in future years; or
(ii) allocate all the remaining contributions to support the Council's budget savings programme.
(1) the resources available from capital contributions to transport schemes and the potential to allocate such resources to support the Local Transport Plan Capital Programme be noted; and
(2) Cabinet be recommended to allocate a £100k of the uncommitted capital contributions to contribute to addressing long standing highway parking issues within the Borough; and to determine the allocation of the remaining resources.
Report author: Andy Wallis, Stuart Waldron, Stephen Birch, Keith Davies
Publication date: 18/11/2010
Date of decision: 17/11/2010
Decided at meeting: 17/11/2010 - Cabinet Member - Technical Services (meeting)
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