Decision details

Budget Savings - Terms and Conditions of Employment

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Further to Minute No. 69(4) of the Council meeting held on 27 January 2011, the Cabinet considered the report of the Director of Corporate Services on the negotiations which had taken place with Trade Unions on the terms and conditions of employment for Council employees.


The Director of Corporate Services and Mr. G. Williams, Branch Secretary of Unison, commented on the current position on the proposals set out in the report.




(1)      the verbal update given by the Director of Corporate Services, relative to the current position of the trade unions concerning the proposals set out in Section B of the report be noted;


(2)      the proposals set out in Section B of the report be endorsed as the preferred option;


(3)      consultations on the preferred option continue, including communication with potentially affected employees.  The object of such consultation being to endeavour to reach an agreement; and


(4)      in the absence of an agreement, the Director of Corporate Services be given delegated authority to take the necessary action to achieve the implementation of the proposals set out in Section B of the report, subject to consultation with the Party Leaders.

Publication date: 22/02/2011

Date of decision: 17/02/2011

Decided at meeting: 17/02/2011 - Cabinet

Effective from: 02/03/2011

Accompanying Documents: