Decision details

Award of Contract - Recycling Collection Services

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member - Environmental (meeting)

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Further to Minute No. 79 of 12 January 2011, the Cabinet Member considered the report of the Operational Services Director on the proposed scope of Recycling Collection Services and the establishment of appropriate contractual arrangements for the provision of the services during the period 1 August 2011 to 31 July 2016.


The report indicated that the existing arrangement for the provision of the dry recycling collection service (Including food waste) and bring sites had been established in February 2010, when the previous contractor entered into administration; that  this interim arrangement had enabled recycling collection services to continue to be provided whilst the Council conducted a formal procurement process to establish a new contractual arrangement; and that the interim arrangement was in placed until 31 July 2011 to provide a reasonable mobilisation period following a formal award of contract.


The report also indicated that due to concerns about the overall cost of providing recycling collection services in future, it had been established that the new contract would contain the following elements as priced options:


Option 1 –

‘Core Service’ -  the weekly collection of recyclable materials, as per current the  service (including food) directly from households;


Option 2 –

provision of a ‘Bring Site Service’ – e.g. collection, emptying of containers and cleanliness of the sites;


Option 3 –

the addition of plastic to the core service;


Option 4 –

the addition of cardboard to the core service;


Option 5 –

‘Core Service’ with plastic and cardboard added, plus a Bring Site Service.


The Operational Services Director presented the report and indicated that breaking the service up into the above elements would provide the Council with the opportunity to determine the level of service that could be funded and therefore the scope of the contract that would be awarded.


He also explained that the 5 year tender period had been determined as the most viable option, following informal market consultation with prospective bidders, as this represented a reasonable period for depreciating vehicle costs; it was considered that a shorter contract period would over-inflate tendered prices.


In accordance with European and UK procurement legislation a formal tendering exercise had been undertaken which had resulted in the formal  evaluation over a two week period of four valid short listed tenderers, with scores being awarded to each tender, as indicated in paragraph 12 of the report.  The moderated scores were incorporated into an overall scoring template, the outcome of which was detailed in Appendix A of the report.


This was a Key Decision and was included in the Council's Forward Plan of Key Decisions.


RESOLVED: That the Cabinet be recommended to



approve Options 1 and 2 as the scope of the Council’s future recycling service with a view to implementing Option 5 by April 2013, finances permitting;



agree to award a Contract to Tenderer D for the provision of the recycling collection services, to reflect the agreed scope of service, for the period 1 August 2011 to 31 July 2016, with the option to extend the contract period up to a maximum of 2 years, subject to satisfactory performance; and



acknowledge the level of one-off savings that will be achieved, as a result of this decision, prior to the implementation of Option 5.




Publication date: 12/04/2011

Date of decision: 06/04/2011

Decided at meeting: 06/04/2011 - Cabinet Member - Environmental (meeting)

Accompanying Documents: