Decision details

Appointment of Representatives on Sefton Borough Partnership 2011/12

Decision Maker: Council

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Council considered the report of the Assistant Chief Executive and a schedule on the proposed representation on the Strategic Board and Thematic Partnerships/Groups of the Sefton Borough Partnerships for 2011/12.


It was moved by Councillor P. Dowd, seconded by Councillor Maher and




(1)      the following Members be appointed to serve on the Strategic Board of the Sefton Borough Partnership in 2011/12:


Leader of the Council (Councillor P. Dowd) and the Leaders of Other Political Groups (Councillors Robertson and Parry) plus the following representatives which are subject to approval by the appropriate Joint Authority:


·                 Representative from Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority

(Councillor Byrom)


·                 Representative from Merseyside Integrated Transport Authority

(Referred to the Cabinet for determination - see Minute 19(2) above)


·                 Representative from Merseyside Police Authority

(Councillor Howe)


·                 Representative from Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority

(Councillor K. Cluskey); and


(2)      the following Members set out below be appointed to serve on the Thematic Groups of the Sefton Borough Partnership and Area Partnerships in 2011/12:


Thematic Partnerships

Number of Representatives






Children's Trust Board


Cabinet Member - Children, Schools and Families (Councillor Moncur)





Economic Development & Sustainability


Defer consideration




Healthier Communities and Older People


Defer consideration




Safer and Stronger Communities Partnership


Cabinet Member - Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods (Councillor Robertson)

Related Groups/Partnerships






Sefton Compact Working Group


Defer consideration




South Sefton Area Partnership


Leader of Labour Group (Councillor P. Dowd)






Cabinet Member - Children, Schools and Families

(Councillor Moncur)






Cabinet Member - Regeneration and Housing

(Councillor Maher)






Cabinet Member - Street Scene and Transportation

(Councillor Fairclough)






Chairs of Area Committees

·       Linacre and Derby

·       Litherland and Ford

·       St. Oswald and Netherton and Orrell




Southport Area Partnership


Member from each Political Group elected in Southport:


    Councillor  Porter plus

Chair and Vice Chair of Southport Area Committee




Central Area Partnership


Defer consideration of new membership until July 2011 and operate shadow arrangements in the interim period


Publication date: 24/05/2011

Date of decision: 17/05/2011

Decided at meeting: 17/05/2011 - Council

Accompanying Documents: