Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Corporate Finance and ICT which set out the risk that exists in having a single ICT Data Centre and detailed proposals for the provision of a secondary Data Centre facility to provide business continuity and disaster recovery.
This was a Key Decision and was included in the Council’s Forward Plan of Key Decisions.
(1) the risk that exists by having only one ICT Data Centre be noted;
(2) the need for a secondary ICT Data facility be approved;
(3) the selection of the Prinovis site in Liverpool as the most cost effective solution be approved;
(4) approval be given to the inclusion of £250,000 in the capital programme funded from earmarked reserves; and
(5) approval be given to the virement of £35,000 from the IT Development budget to meet the ongoing revenue costs of the project.
Report author: Linda Price
Publication date: 29/06/2011
Date of decision: 23/06/2011
Decided at meeting: 23/06/2011 - Cabinet
Effective from: 06/07/2011
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