Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
To consider the results of the consultation activity and other associated facts in order to consider options relating to the review of Library Services to progress for implementation.
The Cabinet heard representations from the following lead petitioners who had submitted petitions requesting the Council to keep the following libraries open:
· Ainsdale – Ms M. Horridge
· Ainsdale, Birkdale and Churchtown – Councillor Dawson
· Aintree – Mr W. Honeyman
· Birkdale – Mrs M. McQueen
· College Road, Crosby – Ms H. Short
· College Road, Crosby – Councillor Tonkiss
Further to Minutes No. 65 of the meeting held on 11 October 2012, the Cabinet then considered the report of the Strategic Director – Place which provided an update on the Review of Library Services, including the outcomes from the consultation exercise and outlined options for consideration emerging from the review and consultation.
This report was arranged in a number of sections with associated annexes as indicated below:
Annex |
Petitions |
A |
Analysis of questionnaires |
B |
Analysis of consultation in addition to questionnaires |
C |
Sefton Council for Voluntary Services letter |
D |
Birkdale Library Action Group letter |
E |
Public Sector Equality Duty – Analysis Report |
F |
List of Background documents and reports |
G |
The Chair referred to the addendum note, setting out various amendments to the content of the report. The Strategic Director reported that the word “Rank” should be added to columns 2 and 5 in the Annex PSED A (page 211), within Annex F of the report
The Chair thanked the Lead Petitioners for attending the meeting to address the Cabinet and indicated that the Council would consider any sustainable and feasible options from voluntary organisations and charitable bodies for the operation of the library service.
Members of the Cabinet raised questions on the following issues referred to in the report and officers responded to the Issues as indicated below:
Councillor Cummins requested the officers to continue to examine the feasibility of all options submitted during the consultation exercise in order to establish whether they were sustainable and viable especially with regard to the current condition of the library buildings within the Borough and the costs of maintenance.
Councillor Hardy sought assurance that the equality implications of the Option B Proposals had been fully evaluated.
Response: The Director of Corporate Commissioning indicated that the equality implications had been considered and set out in the pre options report submitted to the Cabinet on 11 October 2012. The Public Sector Equality Duty Analysis Report set out in Annex F of the report submitted to this meeting provided details of how the equality implications had been evaluated and he referred to the conclusions set out in that annex. The Library Services staff had been assisted by staff within his Directorate and by an Independent Equalities Adviser on the equalities analysis and he assured the Cabinet that all of the equality implications had been fully evaluated.
Councillor Maher enquired how the implementation plan for the delivery of the revised library service would be delivered and how it would fit in to the Strategic Plan for Libraries.
Response: The Strategic Director – Place indicated that the implementation plan would only be produced once the Council made the final decision on the Review of the Library Service. The timescales and actions to be undertaken would be set out in a draft plan to be submitted to the Cabinet for consideration within 2/3 months of the decision being made by the Council. Details of the short and long term plans for the library service would be included within the Strategic Plan, which would also be submitted to the Cabinet for consideration and approval in due course.
Councillor Tweed enquired about the disabled parking available within the vicinity of The Atkinson building in Southport and whether talks would be held with public transport operators to improve improved access to libraries within the Borough.
Response: The Strategic Director indicated that an on-street pay and display car park was in King Street and off-street parking was in Tulketh Street, Southport. The following disabled car parking spaces were available within the vicinity of The Atkinson building: Vincent Hotel – 2 Kings Street – 4 Eastbank Street – 2 Lord Street – 2 Hulme Street – 2 Scarisbrick Avenue – 2
He also indicated on the frequency of bus services from the following areas to Southport Town Centre: Churchtown - 1 bus route operating a 10 minute journey, 6 times every hour; Birkdale - 3 bus routes operating a 10 minute journey, 3 times every hour; and Ainsdale - 4 bus routes operating a 12 / 23 minute journey, 8 times every hour.
Discussions would be held with public transport operators but there was no guarantee of any changes in the operation of bus services
This was a Key Decision and was included in the Council’s Forward Plan of Key Decisions.
Decisions Made:
That consideration of the report be deferred to the meeting of the Cabinet on 28 February 2013 to enable Members to fully consider:
(a) the consultation responses and the analysis thereof;
(b) the Public Sector Equality Duty Analysis Report;
(c) the representations made by petitioners; and
(d) the information given by officers at this meeting in response to questions from Members.
Reasons for Decision:
To enable the Cabinet to fully consider the above information on the Review ofthe Library Service at its next meeting on 28 February 2013.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
Members have previously considered options for consultation only. The report sought to provide Members with sufficient information on the outcome of that consultation to allow them to come to a decision on a sustainable, comprehensive and efficient Library Service for Sefton for future years.
Report author: Bill Milburn
Publication date: 20/02/2013
Date of decision: 14/02/2013
Decided at meeting: 14/02/2013 - Cabinet
Accompanying Documents: