Decision details

Dementia Working Group - Final Report

Decision Maker: Cabinet, Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Health and Social Care)

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Committee considered the report of the Assistant Chief Executive, formally presenting the final report of the Dementia Working Group.


The Working Group had made a number of recommendations that required approval by both this Committee and the Cabinet.


Members of the Working Group outlined the findings of the review.


RESOLVED:            That


(1)       the thanks of the Committee be extended to the Working Group Members, namely Councillors McGuire, Pearson and the Lead Member, Councillor Webster, and also to the Acting Head of Overview and Scrutiny, for their input into the review;


(2)            subject to the Cabinet approving the recommendations in (3) below, an update report back to this Committee, on the implementation of the recommendations within the review, be requested in six months time;


(3)       the following recommendations be supported and commended to the Cabinet for approval:-


A.        That care home providers be advised by the Social Care and Well Being Directorate that it is considered to be essential for all care staff in care homes, particularly EMI homes, and domiciliary care staff, to receive training and attend training courses in relation to all aspects of dementia;


B.        that the Social Care and Well Being Directorate be requested to consider and report back to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Health and Social Care) on the possibility of the implementation of a voluntary local kite mark or certificate, stating that the staff at care homes have undertaken training in all aspects of dementia care;


C.        that the Social Care and Well Being Directorate be requested to consider and report back to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Health and Social Care) on the possibility of delivering training to care staff within some of the larger care homes and that all care homes be advised of relevant training courses and invited to attend;


D.        that the intention for officers of the Social Care and Well Being Directorate to visit 2 star homes within the Borough be welcomed and the Director be requested to report to the Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Health & Social Care) on the possibility of extending this to provide for officers to undertake visits to all care homes that are likely to have residents who have dementia;


E.        that the Social Care and Well Being Directorate be requested to prepare information on dementia and its early detection, to appear within the Directorate’s web pages on the Council’s website, providing links to the local Alzheimer’s Society and other useful organisations;


F.         that information on raising awareness of dementia, for all members of the public, be prepared by the Social Care and Well Being Directorate and circulated by the Head of Corporate Finance and Information Services with the Council Tax demands for 2011/12, the wording to be approved by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Health and Social Care), prior to its circulation;


G.        that the Cabinet be requested to acknowledge that dementia, and care for people with it, particularly for those people living alone without support networks, will increase in the future and place increasing demands on the Council and the NHS;


H.        that the Cabinet be requested to note that Members of the Dementia Working Group intend to submit a motion to Council in due course, requesting support for a cross-political motion, calling on the government to recognise that Sefton has a high number of older people which is likely to increase, within its population, and that the Central Government Formula Grant should allow the Council to meet adequately the needs that this section of the community requires, in order for them to achieve good quality of life, based on relevant age thresholds that adequately reflect the additional costs incurred in caring for an elderly population;


I.            (i)            that the Cabinet be requested to acknowledge the work

undertaken by young carers of people with dementia and to request the Director of Social Care and Well Beingto report on the provision of respite for them; and


(ii)that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Children’s Services) be requested to support the above recommendation;


J.         that the development of the Sefton Dementia Strategy be welcomed and progress be reported to the Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Health and Social Care) on an annual basis;


K.            that NHS Sefton be requested to provide information regarding:-


(i)the amount allocated to deliver the national dementia strategy, whether this figure is ring-fenced and what it will be used for; and


(ii)care of patients with dementia who are admitted to hospitals;


L.         that, NHS Sefton be requested to ensure that GPs are provided with:-


                        (i)            training, in order to detect early signs of dementia; and


(ii)full information on treatment and support available within the Borough;


M.        that NHS Sefton be requested to note that it is considered to be good practice for GPs to follow up those patients who go into care and nursing homes and to visit them, and to cascade this information to GPs throughout the Borough;


N.            that Mersey Care NHS Trust be requested to consider:-


(i)extending facilities for dedicated memory clinics throughout the Borough, particularly in the south and east, to possibly include the centres for health and well-being; and


(ii)whether the standard of testing at memory clinics requires revision; and


O.        that One Vision Housing, and other large social housing providers within the Borough, be requested to consider implementing mechanisms to identify, and offer support to, customers with early signs of dementia, particularly those who live alone.

Publication date: 03/06/2013

Date of decision: 06/04/2010

Decided at meeting: 06/04/2010 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Health and Social Care)

Accompanying Documents: