Decision details

Strategic Asset Management Plan

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To agree the Council’s SAMP and ADP. The Council’s SAMP is a key document that establishes how the Council proposes to align its property assets, both operational and non-operational, to enable the delivery of Council services. The Council’s ADP sets out why and how the Council selects property assets for disposal and why a particular disposal method is chosen for any particular asset


The Cabinet considered the report of the Director of Built Environment on proposals for the adoption of a revised Strategic Asset Management Plan.


Decision Made:




(1)       the Council be recommendeed to adopt the new Strategic Asset Management Plan as set out in Appendix A of the report; and


(2)       it be noted that a further report would be submitted to a future meeting of the Cabinet in relation to the adoption of a formal Asset Disposal Policy.


Reasons for Decision:


While there is no statutory requirement to adopt a Strategic Asset Management Plan, it is good practice to do so. This Plan would guide decision making on the sale or retention of assets and it was envisaged that a report seeking approval to the Councils Asset Disposal Policy would be presented to a future Cabinet meeting.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:


It is best practice to operate and manage property assets using a formal asset management plan. The Council could choose to select property for disposal using other criteria.

Report author: David Street

Publication date: 06/12/2013

Date of decision: 05/12/2013

Decided at meeting: 05/12/2013 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: