Decision details

Contract Novation and Extension of Public Health Services

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To agree to give delegated authority to the Head of Regulation and Compliance, in consultation with the Director of Public Health and Cabinet Members for Health and Wellbeing and Children, Schools and Safeguarding, to sign off the novation of 0-5 contracts prior to transfer on 1st October 2015; and  
To seek a decision on the future procurement of children’s public health nursing and Long Acting Reversible Contraception Delivered in Primary Care


The Cabinet considered the report of the Interim Director of Public Health which provided details of proposals to enter into a novation agreement with the current provider and commissioner of the 0-5 public health services contracts, to transfer those contracts to Sefton Council with effect from 1 October 2015; to undertake a review of existing 0-5 Public Health Services and to endorse the initiation of a tendering exercise to establish an integrated 0-19 Healthy Child Programme Contract (including Health Visiting and Family Nurse Partnership) with effect from 1 April 2016.


Decision Made: That:


(1)       approval be given to the novation of the 0-5 public health nursing services contracts (Health Visiting and Family Nurse Partnership) from NHS England to Sefton Council on 1 October 2015;


(2)       the Head of Regulation and Compliance be authorised to sign off the novation of the contracts prior to their transfer on 1 October 2015, with an end date of 31 March 2016;


(3)       approval be given to a review of the existing 0-5 Public Health Services and the initiation of a tendering exercise to establish an integrated 0-19 Healthy Child Programme Contract (including Health Visiting and Family Nurse Partnership) to commence on 1 April 2016; and


(4)       the Interim Director of Public Health and Chief Finance Officer be authorised to award the contracts to the highest scoring bidder(s) subject to financial sustainability.


Reasons for Decision:


The commissioning and provider environment, for a number of important child and women’s health services, is shifting and requires a planned response to ensure the continued delivery of services that are economical, efficient and effective.


The following three contracts that contribute to improving health outcomes particularly in child health and development, maternal wellbeing are due to expire at various dates:

           Health Visiting

           Family Nurse Partnership

           School health


NHS England currently commission Liverpool Community Health to provide 0-5 Public Health Services including Health Visiting and Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) for family’s registered with Sefton General Practitioners. From the 1 October 2015, the Government intends Local Authorities take over this responsibility.


The current NHS England contract for Health visiting has an annual value of £3,875,370 and will expire on the 31 March 2016.


The current NHS England contract for Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) has an annual value of £288,730 and.will expire  on the 31 March 2016.


The School Health contract has an annual value of £1,388,687 and is due to end 31September 2017.


Recognising the current cost of separately procured services and in light of the Council’s reducing financial resources, it was anticipated that service improvements, cost efficiencies and added value might be gained from implementing a more integrated 0-19 Healthy Child Programme Contract. This would involve a coordinated approach due to various contracts having different expiry dates.


The commissioning process would be subject to the OJEU Light-Touch Regime Open Procedure due to it falling within Schedule 3, Social and Other Specific Services. The value of the total contract (i.e. the core period plus any option years) would be over £625K and requires Cabinet authorisation and delegation to a Chief Officer to award the contract at the end of the tender process.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:


Cease service delivery

           A reputational and financial risk to the authority by the potential failure to perform its statutory duty to deliver public health services for children 0-5 years.


The implications of deciding not to procure an integrated Healthy Child Programme

           Contracts for FNP and Health Visiting will expire resulting in a lack of service provision for children and families.

           Opportunity to improve the service, gain cost efficiencies and add value will be lost


Report author: Margaret Jones

Publication date: 08/09/2015

Date of decision: 03/09/2015

Decided at meeting: 03/09/2015 - Cabinet

Effective from: 16/09/2015

Accompanying Documents: