30 Asset Disposal - Pendle Drive, Litherland - Exempt Appendices
Exempt appendices of the Executive Director – Corporate Services and Commercial
Additional documents:
Decision Made:
That the exempt information be considered as part of the report in relation to the Asset Disposal - Pendle Drive, Litherland (Minute No. 32 below refers).
Reasons for the Decision:
The exempt information was required to be considered with the information in the public domain in order that an informed decision might be made.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
None – alternative options within non-exempt part of report.
Crosby New Library - Exempt Appendices
Exempt appendices of the Executive Director - People
Additional documents:
The Cabinet considered exempt information provided by the Executive Director - People in relation to the Crosby New Library. (Minute No. 17 below refers).
Decision Made:
That the exempt information be considered as part of the report in relation to the Crosby New Library. (Minute No. 17 below refers).
Reasons for the Decision:
The exempt information is required to be considered with the information in the public domain in order that an informed decision may be made.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected: