Commercial Waste Service Charges
Report of the Environmental Protection Director
Additional documents:
Further to Minute No. 72 of the meeting of the Cabinet Member - Environmental held on 18 November 2009, the Cabinet considered the report of the Environmental Protection Director which sought approval to the implementation of revised commercial waste service charges.
That approval be given to the implementation of the Commercial Waste Service Charges, as set out in Appendix A of the report, with effect from 1 April 2010.
Commercial Waste Service Charges
Report of the Environmental Protection Director
Additional documents:
The Cabinet Member considered the report of the Environmental Protection Director seeking approval of the proposed commercial waste collection charges that would apply from 1 April 2010 onwards; and indicating that a decision on this matter was required as waste disposal costs would rise during 2010/11, due to landfill tax and gate fee increases, and that as a consequence commercial waste service charges needed to increase.
That Cabinet be recommended to approve the Commercial Waste charges, as detailed in Appendix A to the report, from 1 April 2010 onwards.