Issue - meetings

Performance Portfolio Monitoring 2009/10Quarter 2

Meeting: 15/12/2009 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Performance and Corporate Services) (Item 40)

40 Performance Portfolio - Quarter 2 Revenue and Capital Expenditure Monitoring to 30 September 2009 pdf icon PDF 77 KB

Joint Report of the Chief Executive and the Finance and Information Services Director


Further to Minute No. 61 of the meeting of the Cabinet Member – Performance and Governance of 2 December 2009, the Committee considered the joint report of the Chief Executive and the Finance and Information Services Director, providing details of the quarterly forecast position, based on information as at 30 September 2009, in relation to the Portfolio’s 2009/10 Revenue Budget and indicating that a decision on this matter was required to comply with the corporate performance management process.


The report also sought a view on whether any comments should be made to the Cabinet regarding the overall performance of the revenue budget and the schemes within the capital programme.




That the report be received and no comments be made at present to the Cabinet regarding the overall performance of the revenue budget and the schemes within the capital programme.

Meeting: 02/12/2009 - Cabinet Member - Performance and Governance (meeting) (Item 59)

59 Performance Portfolio Monitoring 2009/10 - Quarter Two pdf icon PDF 296 KB

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Management)


The Cabinet Member considered the report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Management) on progress in relation to the relevant parts of the Chief Executive’s Departmental Service Plan for quarter 2 of 2009/10.


The Chief Executive’s Departmental Plan had been approved earlier this year. The purpose of this report was to update the Cabinet Member on performance for the Performance and Partnership Team and Communications Unit against the Departmental Service Plan (3 year strategic objectives) and Annual Service Plan (ASP) as at the quarter 2 of 2009/10. This reporting frequency and approach had been recommended for all portfolio areas.


As part of the performance management framework, all Departmental Service Plans, and Annual Service Plans were entered into the Council’s SPRINT performance management system and officers were required to update progress within that system. A copy of the Departmental and Annual Service Plan quarter 2 update on performance was attached to the report.


Annex 1 of the report gave more detailed information of the quarter 2 2009/10 monitoring for the Department Service Plan that was relevant to the Performance and Governance Portfolio.


The Senior Corporate Support Officer spoke to the report, indicating that updates had been made for all aspects of the funds partnership and the Community Management Team; that an updated version of the Sprint System was being tested, which included improved comparators in the system and would be more user- friendly.  She further stated that officers were not always up to date and that this may indicate a training need, as the system was complex and there could be too much focus on the detail and not enough long term, strategic vision.


The Cabinet Member informed the meeting that Sefton had only just reached compliance state; that the system should be moving on from that situation and that more feedback was useful, as some people felt that the system was not user-friendly.


The Spokesperson had concerns with the communications strategy and the Cabinet Member stated that these could be addressed under agenda item 9


The Cabinet Member expressed concerns that information on targets mentioned on pages 84 to 86 of the annex 1 had not been agreed by Members and he further stated that as the Member responsible, issues should be brought before himself and other Members, for example, he had not been informed of any of the July deadlines mentioned.  Also, he stated that none of the information which was a matter of concern was covered by the Freedom of Information Act


The Assistant Chief Executive (Management) informed the meeting that a number of work streams had been agreed and brought to Cabinet previously and this was now an opportunity to further examine them; that some items were not appropriate for a public meeting and suggested a meeting with the Cabinet Member and the Spokespersons to look at these issues. 


The Spokesperson agreed with the suggestion for a meeting and further stated that there was a lack of resources and that different communication expenditure streams could be sought,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 59