103 Funding for Transport Asset Management PDF 81 KB
Report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director
The Cabinet Member considered the report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director on the Funding for Asset Management, seeking approval to include the capital funding received from the Department for Transport (DfT) into the 2009/10 Transportation Capital Programme and identifying revenue spending associated with a revenue element of the DfT grant, and indicating that a decision on the matter was required as approval of grant funding would assist Sefton Council to develop its asset management capacity for its highway assets into the Transportation Programme.
The report indicated that in order to encourage local authorities to develop an asset management approach to managing their highway networks and to draw up and implement Transport Asset Management Plans (TAMPs), Sefton Council had been awarded £69,100 of capital funding and £50,000 of revenue funding to assist in the development of its asset management capability for its highway assets; that given the start date for the project, capital funding would not be required to be spent until 2010/11; that it was intended to commission Capita Symonds to undertake this work; that the work was not covered by the partnership contract and would require the revenue element of the DfT grant to be used to pay Capita Symonds’ fees to undertake the work; and that the work was scheduled to commence in January 2010 with a planned revenue spend of £10k in 2009/10 and £40k in 2010/11.
(1) the report be noted; and
(2) Cabinet be recommended to approve the inclusion of the Capital funding from the DfT into the 2009/10 Transportation Capital Programme.