Issue - meetings

Disabled Facilities Grant Programme

Meeting: 14/01/2010 - Cabinet (Item 260)

260 Disabled Facilities Grant Programme pdf icon PDF 79 KB

Report of the Strategic Director - Social Care and Well-Being


Further to Minute No. 49 of the meeting of the Cabinet Member - Health and Social Care held on 23 December 2009, the Cabinet considered the report of the Strategic Director - Social Care and Well-Being on the proposed virement of monies within the Health and Social Care Capital Programme to ensure that there is adequate funding for Disabled Facilities Grant to support increased spending commitments.




That approval be given to the virement of £250,000 from the Social Care SPC (C) 2008/09 - 2010/11 Capital Grant provision for 2009/10 in the Health and Social Care Capital Programme to the Disabled Facilities Grant budget.

Meeting: 23/12/2009 - Cabinet Member - Health and Social Care (meeting) (Item 49)

49 Disabled Facilities Grant Programme pdf icon PDF 81 KB

Report of the Strategic Director – Adult Social Services (Heath and Social Care)



The Cabinet Member considered the report of the Strategic Director of Adult Social Services (Health and Social Care) on the Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG) Programme, seeking approval for the endorsement of a virement of £250K within the Health and Social Care Capital Programme in support of the Disabled Facilities Grants obligations; indicating that the Government helped to fund the grant programme through the provision of a direct grant totalling to £1.157m for 2009/10; that this funding did not meet actual demand which resulted in Sefton Council supplementing the provision from local housing capital resources; that current demand trends were increasing due to a number of factors including improved administration which had resulted in grant approvals flowing through more quickly, changing demographics and an ageing population, joint funding obligations in relation to applications for RSL tenants, and the removal of means testing for DFG applications for children which had all resulted in increased pressure on resources and the need to implement higher value adaptations.


It was proposed to allocate significantly increased resources to the DFG budget line via a virement of £250K of currently unallocated resource which existed in the Social Care Capital Programme.




(1)               the report be noted; and


(2)               Cabinet be recommended to endorse the proposal for a virement of £250K from the Social Care SCP (C) 2008/09-2010/11 Capital Grant provision for 2009/10 in the Health and Social Care Capital Programme to DFG Budget.