Issue - meetings

Pathfinder Fund

Meeting: 14/01/2010 - Cabinet (Item 265)

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Joint report of the Head of Regeneration and Technical Services and Leisure Director


Further to Minute No. 87 of the meeting of the Cabinet Member - Environmental held on 13 January 2010, the Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Regeneration and Technical Services and the Leisure Director on the award of funding by DEFRA for the Pathfinder Fund Project, in connection with the Coastal Change Policy.




That approval be given to the capital elements of the project in the Capital Programme as set out in Appendix A of the report totalling £145,000 to be fully funded from the DEFRA grant.

Meeting: 06/01/2010 - Cabinet Member - Leisure and Tourism (meeting) (Item 75)

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Joint report of the Head of Regeneration and Technical Services and the Leisure Director


The Cabinet Member considered the report of the Head of Regeneration and Technical Services seeking approval to accept a DEFRA grant offer in connection with Coastal Change Policy and for its inclusion within the Capital Programme.


The report indicated that DEFRA launched a consultation on their Coastal Change Policy which considered issues around how communities could adapt to a changing coastline in the context of future climate change; that included within this was a fund to establish a number of Pathfinder Authorities that were at the forefront of this type of work and could test new approaches and subsequently share the lessons learnt; that the overall fund was £11 million to be spent within this and next financial year; and that applications were required to be submitted by 11 September 2009.


The Coastal Defence Team had developed an application in partnership with the Coast and Countryside Service that would focus on capturing experience to date and undertaking a number of actions in the Formby area including community engagement plan development and access works; the grant offer from DEFRA was non ring-fenced and was for £337,000; and that it was anticipated that Pathfinder status would benefit the Council in future applications if this funding source was continued in later years.




(1)       the DEFRA grant offer amounting to £337,000 in connection with Coastal Change Policy be accepted; and


(2)            Cabinet be requested to include the capital elements of the project (as detailed in Appendix A to the report and totalling £145,000 and fully funded from DEFRA grant) in the Capital Programme.