307 Deyes High School, Maghull - Proposed World of Work Extension, PDF 71 KB
Report of the Strategic Director - Communities
The Cabinet considered the report of the Strategic Director - Communities on the tenders received for the provision of a new world of Work extension at Deyes High School, Maghull.
This was a Key Decision and was included on the Council's Forward Plan of Key Decisions.
(1) approval be given to the allocation of £1,179,557 in the Children's Services Capital Programme. Funding to be provided through the 14-19 World of Work Diploma Programme (£750,000), the Schools Devolved Formula Capital allocation (£250,000), Schools Modernisation Programme allocation (£138,207), and from the Capital Provision for the Meadows Leisure Centre project (£41,350);
(2) the lowest revised tender submitted by Lyjon and Company Ltd. of Ellesmere Port in the sum of £955,232.00 be accepted; and
(3) the Legal Director be requested to enter into a formal contract with the successful tenderer.