86 Accreditation Award for Sport and Recreation Service PDF 116 KB
Report of the Leisure and Tourism Director
The Cabinet Member considered the report of the Leisure and Tourism Director on the accreditation award for sport and recreation service (the Service) indicating that the report had been submitted to: (a) provide the Cabinet Member with the outcome of the external accreditation inspections that were undertaken on the Sport and Recreation Development team for the leisure industry’s most significant Quality Assurance schemes and (b) to highlight some areas of work which were identified as being national exemplars.
The report indicated that in November and December 2009 the Service was subject to two external inspections in order to make a comparison to similar services across the UK; that the defining element throughout the inspection was the positive ‘Culture’ in the workforce; and that the inspection provided assurance for customers and stakeholders of performance and quality.
Copies of the reports outlining the view of the inspectors were attached as annexes to the report.
(1) the achievements of the Sport and Recreation Development team be noted; and
(2) it be noted that a follow up report outlining how the achievements of how the service contributes to the LAA targets and the objectives of key partners, would be submitted to an appropriate meeting of the Cabinet Member.