159 Applications to be Inspected by the Visiting Panel on 8 February, 2010 PDF 64 KB
Additional documents:
The Committee considered the report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director which advised that the undermentioned sites had been inspected by the Visiting Panel on 8 February, 2010.
Application No. |
S/2010/0041 |
Land Adjacent to Hall Road, BR Station Hall Road East, Crosby |
S/2009/1205 |
Laurel Cottage, Broad Lane, Thornton |
S/2009/1058 |
Broad Farm, Broad Lane, Thornton |
S/2009/1133 |
The Croft, 8 Thirlmere Road, Hightown |
S/2009/1200 |
Former Power House, Hoggs Hill Lane, Formby |
S/2009/1136 |
21 Victoria Road, Formby |
S/2009/1167 |
Bowling Green to the Rear and 1A Virginia Street, Southport |
That the report on the sites inspected by the Visiting Panel be noted.