87 Results of On-Street Parking Consultation - Maghull Station Area PDF 295 KB
Report of the Planning and Economic Development Director
The Committee considered the report of the Planning and Economic Development Director on the outcome of the on-street parking consultation - Maghull Station Area, seeking the Committee’s view on a way forward with regard to the proposed amendment to the existing Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) the effect of which would mean the introduction of parking restrictions between Monday to Friday 10.00 am to 11.00 am in order to deter all day parking by commuters whilst still providing residents with some flexibility by enabling them and their visitors to park on-street outside of the restricted hour.
The report indicated that in response to a number of complaints regarding on-street parking in residential roads in the vicinity of Maghull Railway Station, parking restrictions between Monday to Friday 10.00 am to 11.00 am were introduced on Hurst Road, Daisy Mount and Spring Gardens; that following completion of the scheme in May 2009 a number of complaints had been received from residents from adjacent streets; and that it was agreed to re-consult with residents involved in the original consultation in addition to consulting residents of Heathfield Road, Molyneux Road, Ashleigh Road, Poverty Lane and Melling Lane (between its junction with Summerhill Drive and No. 55 Melling Lane).
The public consultation took place between Wednesday, 27 January and Friday, 19 February. A total of 130 questionnaires were delivered out of which 73 were returned. This equated to a return rate of 56%, which was considered to be a good response rate for this type of consultation.
The report indicated that due to recent budgetary restrictions, parking schemes would be funded from within traffic management budgets if the scheme delivered a road safety benefit, as opposed to an amenity or environmental benefit for residents. Such schemes elsewhere in the Borough had been approved by Area Committees and had been funded by the Area Committee.
(1) the results of the public consultation shown in Annex B of this report be noted; and
(2) the report be deferred to the next Sefton East Parishes Area Committee to resolve if the £2,000 to fund the implementation of the scheme could be met in the new financial year.