353 Vehicle/Plant Replacements 2009/2012 PDF 74 KB
Report of the Operational Services Director
Additional documents:
Further to Minute No. 113 of the meeting of the Cabinet Member - Environmental held on 7 April 2010, the Cabinet considered the report of the Operational Services Director on the results of the recent tendering exercise as part of the Annual Vehicle/Plant Replacement Programme.
That approval be given to:
(1) the acceptance of the lowest tenders which comply with the specification for each category of vehicle and plant;
(2) the procurement of the replacement vehicles and plant, as listed in Annex One of the report; and
(3) the sum of £1,084,497 to be included in the capital programme to purchase the required vehicles, with tender reference T305, a 17 seat minibus, being purchased outright via external funding and the balance of the vehicles being purchased via an operating lease arranged by the Interim Head of Corporate Finance and ICT Strategy.
113 Vehicle/Plant Replacements 2009/2012 PDF 74 KB
Report of the Operational Services Director
Additional documents:
The Cabinet Member considered the report of the Operational Services Director advising of the recent tendering exercise as part of the Annual Vehicle/Plant Replacement Programme; seeking authority to place orders for the new vehicles and plant items; and indicating that a decision on this matter was required to comply with the Contract Procedure Rules of the Constitution.
Annex 1 attached to the report summarised the types and numbers of vehicles required, together with details of the returned tenders and the lowest prices received; whilst annex 2 detailed the comparisons between the submitted tenders for each category of vehicle, with the tenders listed in lowest priced order.
That the Cabinet be recommended to:
(1) accept the lowest tenders which comply with specification for each category of vehicle and plant;
(2) approve the procurement of the replacement vehicles and plant, as listed in Annex 1; and
(3) approve the sum of £1,084,497 to be included in the Capital Programme to purchase the required vehicles; with tender reference T305, a 17 seat minibus, being purchased outright via external funding and the balance of the vehicles being purchased via operating lease arranged by the Interim Head of Corporate Finance and ICT Strategy.