352 Former Peoples Showroom - Replacement for St John and St James Church, Klondyke. PDF 946 KB
Report of the Neighbourhoods and Investment Programmes Director
Further to Minute No. 122 of the meeting of the Cabinet Member - Regeneration held on 14 April 2010, the Cabinet considered the report of the Neighbourhoods and Investment Programmes Director on proposals to dispose of part of the former Peoples Showroom site in Linacre Lane, Bootle to the Liverpool Diocesan Board of Finance, to develop a new place of worship and community facility; and to use Housing Market Renewal funding to make a grant to the Liverpool Diocesan Board of Finance towards the community and landscape elements of the building.
(1) approval be given to the granting of a two year Development Lease to the Liverpool Diocesan Board of Finance for the former Peoples Showroom building, to enable the building to be refurbished to use as a place of worship and community facility;
(2) the Neighbourhoods and Investment Programmes Director be granted delegated authority to agree the terms for the long-term disposal of the site to the Liverpool Diocesan Board of Finance, upon successful completion of the works under the Development Lease; and
(3) approval be given to the contribution of £200,000 from the Housing Market Renewal Programme 2010/11 to the Liverpool Diocesan Board of Finance towards the cost of refurbishing the building for community use and associated landscaping, subject to a legal obligation on the church to provide the agreed level of funding for the project.
122 Former Peoples Showroom – Replacement for St John and St James Church, Klondyke. PDF 946 KB
Report of the Neighbourhoods and Investment Programmes Director
The Cabinet Member considered the report of the Neighbourhoods and Investment Programmes Director seeking authority to:
(i) dispose of part of the former Peoples Showroom site to the Liverpool Diocesan Board of Finance, to develop a new place of worship and community facility; and
(ii) use Housing Market Renewal funding to make a grant to the Liverpool Diocesan Board of Finance towards the community and landscape elements of the building.
RESOLVED: That the Cabinet be recommended to:
(1) approve the granting of a two year Development Lease to the Liverpool Diocesan Board of Finance (referred to in the report as ‘the Church’) for the former Peoples Showroom building, so that the building can be refurbished to use as a place of worship and community facility;
(2) delegate authority to the Neighbourhoods and Investment Programmes Director to agree the terms for the long-term disposal of the site to the Liverpool Diocesan Board of Finance, upon successful completion of the works under the Development Lease; and
(3) approve the contribution of £200,000 from the Housing Market Renewal Programme 2010/11 to the Liverpool Diocesan Board of Finance towards the cost of refurbishing the building for community use and associated landscaping, subject to a legal obligation on the church to provide the agreed level of funding for the project.