Issue - meetings

Restructure of the Taxi Licensing Enforcement Team and Reduction of Driver Licence Fees

Meeting: 20/05/2010 - Cabinet (Item 18)

18 Restructure of the Taxi Licensing Enforcement Team and Reduction of Driver Licence Fees pdf icon PDF 143 KB

Report of the Environmental and Technical Services Director


Further to Minute No. 105 of the meeting of the Licensing and Regulatory Committee held on 19 April 2010, the Cabinet considered the report of the Environmental and Technical Services Director which sought approval to the restructure of the Taxi Licensing Enforcement Team and the reduction of the hackney carriage and private hire driver licence fees.


RESOLVED:            That approval be given to:


(1)       the temporary increase in the establishment of the Taxi Licensing Enforcement Team;


(2)       the increase in the ‘Hackney Stands’ budget; and


(3)       the Taxi Licensing Fees set out in Annex 1 of the report.

Meeting: 19/04/2010 - Licensing and Regulatory Committee (Item 105)

105 Restructure of the Taxi Licensing Enforcement Team and Reduction of Driver Licence Fees pdf icon PDF 144 KB

Report of the Environmental and Technical Services Director


Further to Minute No 60 of the meeting held on 31 March 2008, the Committee considered the report of the Environmental and Technical Services Director on the restructure of the Taxi Licensing Enforcement Team and Reduction of Driver Licence Fees, and seeking approval for a temporary increase in the establishment of the Taxi Licensing Enforcement Team; the increases, detailed in the report, of the “Hackney Stands” budget; and the amendments, as detailed in the report, to the fees for Taxi Licensing.


The report indicated that the “Review of the Taxi Licensing Portfolio” had outlined a number of recommendations including the enhancement of “on-street” enforcement.  This recommendation was introduced in April 2008 and had led to proactive risk-based intelligence-led enforcement exercises that allowed the service to target resources to areas of greatest need.  However despite efforts to implement the recommendation to reduce the general level of fees and thus address the level of surpluses in the Taxi Licensing Trade account (the Account), the closing balance for the reserve account in 2007/08 was £355,629.  Efforts had been negated by a 15% surge in licence applications by the private trade operators, leading to a year-end balance of £469,668.60.


The Taxi trade had consistently requested an increase in the number of test purchasing operations, particularly during the hours of 11:00pm and 6:00am, and a reduction in the driver licence fees. 


In order to tackle the Taxi Licensing Team’s requirement for more staff to assist in enforcement duties and increased ‘district’ presence, and the legal requirement to reduce surpluses in the Taxi Licensing Trade account, it was proposed to restructure the Taxi Licensing Team and introduce a 25.9% reduction in hackney carriage and private hire driver licence fees and an 8% reduction in hackney carriage and private hire vehicle licence fees.




(1)         the report be noted:


(2)         Cabinet be recommended to approve the temporary increase in establishment of the Taxi Licensing Enforcement Team;


(3)         Cabinet be recommended to approve the increase in the Hackney Stands budget; and


(4)         Cabinet be recommended to approve the Taxi Licensing Fees attached in Annex 1 of the report.