5 Sefton City Learning Centres - Capital Redevelopment Funding PDF 78 KB
Report of the Strategic Director - Children, Schools and Families
Further to Minute No. 145 of the meeting of the Cabinet Member - Children’s Services held on 4 May 2010, the Cabinet considered the report of the Strategic Director - Children, Schools and Families seeking approval to the implementation of schemes at the South and North Sefton City Learning Centres based at Ainsdale C.E. High School and Savio Salesian College to be funded from the Capital Redevelopment Grant Allocation for 2010/11.
(1) the schemes detailed in the report be approved, and
(2) the schemes be included in the Children, Schools and Families Capital Programme 2010/11.
145 Sefton City Learning Centres : Capital Redevelopment Funding PDF 78 KB
Report of the Strategic Director - Children, Schools and Families
The Cabinet Member considered the report of the Strategic Director - Children, Schools and Families seeking approval for the proposed schemes at the South and North Sefton City Learning Centres (CLCs) based at Savio Salesian College and Ainsdale Hope C.E. High School respectively.
The report indicated that Sefton had been allocated a Capital Redevelopment Grant of £300,000 to allow for the continued development of the two CLCs; and paragraph 2 of the report detailed the proposed capital purchases that would be shared between the two centres to support the delivery of Children, Schools and Families priorities.
(1) the schemes as detailed in paragraph 2 of the report at the two Sefton City Learning Centres, to be funded entirely from specific resources, be approved; and
(2) Cabinet be recommended to include the proposed expenditure in the Children's Schools and Families Capital Programme 2010/11.