Issue - meetings

Strategic Budget Review and Transformation Programme

Meeting: 16/12/2010 - Cabinet (Item 162)

162 Transformation Programme and Further Options pdf icon PDF 170 KB

Report of the Chief Executive

Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 148 of the meeting held on 25 November 2010, the Cabinet considered the report of the Chief Executive which provided an update on the Transformation Programme and set out recommendations on the relative priority of Council services in the light of the forecast savings required, following the Government's Comprehensive Spending Review.  This prioritisation informed the identification of further budget options which will reduce the 2011/12 - 2013/14 budget gap.


The Chief Executive circulated a supplementary note which indicated that officers were currently analysing the impact of the Local Government Revenue Support Grant settlement received on 13 December 2010 and recommending that the dates of forthcoming Cabinet and Council meetings be reviewed to enable Members to have more time to consider the prioritisation of 'other services'.


Prior to the consideration of the savings options set out in Appendices D and E of the report, a vote was taken on the proposal that the consideration of the options be deferred until the Council meeting to be held later that day and the proposal was lost by 6 votes to 4.


This was a Key Decision and was included in the Council's Forward Plan of Key Decisions.




(1)      the progress to date on the Transformation Programme be noted;


(2)      the assessment of critical, frontline and regulatory services, as defined in Appendices A, B and C of the report, be approved;


(3)      the Council be recommended to approve the savings options, as set out in Appendix D of the report;


(4)      the Council be recommended to approve the tactical savings options, as set out in Appendix E of the report subject to:


a)       the deletion of savings option CM33 which is included in Appendix D item 23.


b)       the following schemes be not recommended to Council at this stage:-


                    SCL 4 (a)        Parks and Open spaces

                    SCL 17            Leisure disabled access

                    CM3                Charges for bulky items collection service

                    CM5                Charges for clinical waste removal

                    CM10              Close all public conveniences

                    CM11              Charges for green waste collection

                    CE2 Option 1   Reduction in Mayoral Service


          c)       the savings option SCL7a (Libraries closure) been referred to Council for determination.


(5)      the Council be recommended to approve the proposed changes to the Medium Term Financial Plan, as set out in the report and, it be noted from the illustrative assumption that Corporate and Departmental Management and Admin can be reduced by 25%;


(6)      officers be authorised to commence a consultation process with employees and Trade Unions with a view to reaching an agreement on the Terms and Conditions issues outlined in paragraph 4.4 of the report, including the issue of relevant statutory and contractual notifications, if appropriate to achieve change;


(7)      officers be authorised to prepare for implementation of the above savings options immediately, pending final decisions of Council' and


(8)      it be noted that the proposals contained in the report will not meet the forecast deficit and that further proposals will be presented to the Cabinet in the near future.


(9)      the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 162