Issue - meetings

Informed Assessment of the Economic Viability of Affordable Housing in Sefton

Meeting: 01/09/2010 - Cabinet Member - Regeneration. (Item 40)

40 Informed Assessment of the Economic Viability of Affordable Housing in Sefton pdf icon PDF 123 KB

Joint Report of the Planning and Economic Development Director and the Neighbourhoods and Investment Programmes Director


The Cabinet Member considered the joint report of the Planning and Economic Development Director and Neighbourhoods and Investment Programmes Director that provided an update on the comments received during consultation on the draft Informed Assessment of the Economic Viability of Affordable Housing; and sought approval for the final Informed Assessment of the Economic Viability of Affordable Housing as part of the evidence base for the Local Development Framework, which took into account consultation comments.


This was a key decision and was currently included on the Council’s Forward Plan of Key Decisions.




(1)      the comments received during the consultation process into the draft  study  and the responses to the comments be noted; and


(2)      the Cabinet be recommended to approve the Final Informed Assessment of the Economic Viability of Affordable Housing to inform the emerging Core Strategy for Sefton.