77 The Green Belt Study PDF 117 KB
Report of the Planning and Economic Development Director
The Committee considered the report of the Planning and Economic Development Director that provided information about the findings of the draft Green Belt Study, the outcomes of which would be incorporated into the Preferred Options stage of the emerging Core Strategy. The results of the draft Study would be consulted on later this year, at the same time as the Preferred Options stage of the Core Strategy.
(1) the Planning and Economic Development Director be authorised to make necessary changes to the draft Study resulting from consultation with Counsel and as a result of the draft Study’s validation by Envision, the consultants appointed to carry out this role;
(2) the contents of the report, including the implications relating to how Sefton’s future housing and employment land requirements may be met to 2031, be noted; and
(3) the Cabinet be requested to adopt the draft Green Belt Study and Detailed Boundary Review for consultation purposes.