Issue - meetings

Sefton City Learning Centres: Capital Redevelopment Funding

Meeting: 16/12/2010 - Council (Item 53)

53 Sefton City Learning Centres - Capital Redevelopment Funding pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Report of the Strategic Director - Children, Schools and Families


Further to Minute No. 163 of the Cabinet Meeting held on 16 December 2010, the Council considered the report of the Strategic Director - Children, Schools and Families seeking approval to the implementation of a scheme in which a range of innovative ICT equipment would be purchased and used to support schools in transforming teaching and learning across all national curriculum stages, which would be funded from the Capital Redevelopment Grant Allocation for 2010/11.


It was moved by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Blackburn and




That approval be given to the inclusion of the scheme in the Children, Schools and Families Capital Programme 2010/11, to be funded entirely from specific resources.

Meeting: 16/12/2010 - Cabinet (Item 163)

163 Sefton City Learning Centres - Capital Redevelopment Funding pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Report of the Strategic Director - Children, Schools and Families


Further to Minute No. 69 of the meeting of the Cabinet Member - Children's Services held on 7 December 2010, the Cabinet considered the report of the Strategic Director - Children, Schools and Families seeking approval to the implementation of a scheme in which a range of innovative ICT equipment would be purchased and used to support schools in transforming teaching and learning across all national curriculum stages, which would be funded from the Capital Redevelopment Grant Allocation for 2010/11.




That the Council be recommended to give approval to the inclusion of the scheme in the Children, Schools and Families Capital Programme 2010/11, to be funded entirely from specific resources.

Meeting: 07/12/2010 - Cabinet Member - Childrens Services (meeting) (Item 69)

69 Sefton City Learning Centres: Capital Redevelopment Funding pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Report of the Strategic Director - Children, Schools and Families


The Cabinet Member considered the report of the Strategic Director - Children, Schools and Families seeking approval for the proposed expenditure of the Sefton City Learning Centres Capital Redevelopment Funding.


Ms Chris Dalziel, School Organisation & Capital Programme Manager indicated that since the publication of the report, representations were made to Partnerships for Schools (PfS) to request that the balance which remains from the 2009/10 allocation of the City Learning Centre Redevelopment funding be carried forward into the current financial year. A response to this request was received on 24 November 2010 and the PfS had confirmed that the £261.081 could be carried forward into 2010/11 but must be expended by 31 March 2011.  The total funding available in 2010/11 was therefore £561,081.




(1)       the proposed expenditure, to be funded entirely from specific resources be approved, and


 (2)      the Cabinet be recommended to include the proposed expenditure in the 2010/11 Children, Schools and Families Capital Programme.